Chapter FIVE

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Alexandrea's P.O.V

"Uh, hey" I greeted him wanting this to be over quickly as my cheeks warmed up in embarrassment.

He chuckled and glanced at the menu.

"Actually" he looked at me "I'm waiting for someone so I'm not ordering anything for now" he completed.

I muttered a 'Thank God' under my breath and quickly turned around to serve others.

" But I don't mind you keeping me company" I stopped in my steps as I heard him say.

I turned around still smiling.

"I wouldn't want to disturb you" I said

" You won't disturb me" he deadpanned.

"I'm a boring person" I whined

"I don't mind" he said

"Jerk" I muttered as I sat in the chair opposite him.

"Soo...." He rolled his eyes and stares at me.

"I'm not saying anything" I concluded.

"But I'm bored" he whined giving me a cute pupp... wait what? Cute?. I shrugged looking away.

"I'll give you money" he tried convincing me.


"I'll buy you those girls face paint stuff"

"Nope"I chuckled at what he called makeup. Seriously who doesn't know what make up is called.

"Fine, I'll buy you food" he sighed.

"Food? Now that's interesting. What do you want to talk about" I perked up after hearing food. I turned to him now smiling as he let out an amused smile.

"Okay.. so what do you want to buy first" he asked me.

I thought about it for a second and realized that this is another opportunity for me to cook.

"I'll make mine, what do you want to eat"I squealed at the thought cooking.

"I'm fine" he arched an eyebrow at me.

I ignored him and quickly went back to the kitchen. I saw the chef and others at work as I prepared my speech. I walked towards him and he noticed me.

"Alex!" He exclaimed and dropped what he was doing coming over to hug me. I hugged him back and pulled away.

"You here to learn more stuffs?" He asked.

"Actually... I'm here to do one of those stuffs" I looked at him pleading with my eyes.

"Alex.." he started but I cut him off.

"Please! please! please! I promise not to destroy anything pleeeeaasse!" I gave him my best puppy look.

"Okay" he sighed.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hopped on him hugging him again.

"Okay okay don't strangle me to death" he laughed pulling away as I rolled my eyes playfully and started to work.

I prepared all my ingredients and materials. I planned on making lasagna. While making it, I put the thoughts of my dad at the far end of my mind and focused on the cooking. I thought about making some for the chef as well. He is a short man in his 40's and he is best in the kitchen. He has light brown hair with few streaks of grey and he had 3 kids and he is divorced. He is like a father to me.

I smiled at my achievement as I garnished it with parsley. I served it and wrapped two up for the chef and two for myself.

I walked back and immediately spotted the grey eyed boy on his phone.

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