Chapter SIX

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Alexandrea's P.O.V

I twisted and turned in my sleep as the familiar face of my father moved closer to me. He was holding a pocket as he smiled menacingly at me. He got in front of me and bent down frowning. His fingers wiped the tears that kept coming then he smiled back and slapped me hard. I could only cry because he tied me to a chair. Then he trailed the knife down my arm cutting me. When he got to my palm, he looked at me and stabbed my palm along with armrest of the chair as I screamed in agony. My screaming made him cringe as he slapped me again. Then he removed the knife and stabbed me in the chest. My screams quieted down slowly as I started to gasp for air.

I woke up from the nightmare as my sweat made my body sticky and the tears made my tired eyes red and puffy. I sat down on my bed pulling my legs against my chest and I cried. I hate this. I hate the person who caused this. This is all my fault. My body shook as I cried. I stood up and took a shower without bothering to check the time. I stood under the shower scrubbing my skin hoping to watch away his touch. I left the shower satisfied as I put on sweats and a sweater climbing back in bed. I don't know how long I was staring at the distance but my door opened as my mom's face came into view.

"Alex you better get..." She trailed off as she saw me. I just stared at her saying nothing.

"Oh my God Alex, are you okay?" she rushed in dropping her back on the floor and sitting on the edge of my bed beside me. I just stared into the distance again. She touched my arm and I flinched. She rolled up the sleeve of my sweater and widened her eyes at my red skin.

"I wanted to scrub his touch away from me" I said looking at her. She just stared at my skin.

"But it wouldn't go mom, it just wouldn't go. The nightmares and everything just wouldn't go mom. It wouldn't " I said breaking down in tears. She pulled me into a hug as I cried harder. She pulled away placing her hands on my shoulder.

"I was going grocery shopping but when I come back, let's stay home and have a girls night." She wiped a tear and pecked my forehead standing up. I felt much better when she said Bex was coming as well. She left the room and I heard a door close and the sound of a car leaving the driveway.

I dragged myself out of bed after putting my hair in a messy bun. I went to the kitchen,made myself a sandwich and plopped down on the couch. I took the remote and flipped through the channels. I stopped when I saw Suicide Squad playing as I dropped the remote and rested my back. I've watched the movie a few times and I just love Harley Quinn and Joker.

"Alexandrea Dwayne" a familiar voice yelled from outside. I rolled my eyes as I stood up to open the door for her.

"You could have knocked like a normal person but no, you decided to yell" I said immediately I opened the door.

"Yeah my best friend is a bad influence" she said rolling her eyes as she walked inside.

"You should be gratefull for having me as your best friend" I closed the door following her to my room.

"I can't be when all she does is whine, complain, sleep and eat like a pig" she deadpanned opening the door to my room. I gasped dramatically.

"Bexlee Johnson, did you just call me a pig" I said closing the door behind me slowly.

"Yeah it's the latest slang for someone pretty" she said sarcastically as she dropped her pause. I bounced on my bed with a sigh remembering why she was here.

"Alex, are you okay?" She sat on the stool in front of my mirror facing me.

"I don't know" I said looking down at my fingers.

"You know you can talk to me right? That's what besties are for. We are meant to be there for each other. If you are hurt, it will affect me because I'm your other half. Okay?" She said looking at me. I smiled and nodded.

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