Chapter THIRTY

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Alexandrea's P.O.V

Bex, Zoey and I walked down the hallway of the school as we finished the third class. After yesterday that Zoey burnt the kitchen, she kept on apologizing to my mom and my mom forgave her. We all cleaned up the kitchen together and Nick and Zoey had to go home because dinner came late due to the kitchen.

Bex went home some minutes later after Zoey and Nick.

"Have you talked to Eli? Since the.... incident?" Zoey asked looking at me, grabbing Bex's attention too.

"Not really" I sighed. "A lot of shit has been going on lately so I didn't have the time"

"True" Bex muttered. "I just can't wait to graduate. I'm so happy this is our last year" She smiled.

"Me too!" Zoey giggled. We saw Eddy and Eli coming out of Biology class and everything just seemed to stop. His perfect hair, his beautiful eye, the way he smiled when his eyes met mine. Oh gawddd....

"Alex!" Bex nudged me, jerking me back to reality.

"Hm?" I looked at her as she shot me an inquisitive look and nodded her head in Eli's direction.

"Hey!" Eli said, suddenly in front of me, grinning.

"Um..hi" I cleared my throat. Holy shit!! What if I said my thoughts out!!

"So....are you feeling better?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, thank-"

"So we are going to leave now, you know, give you some.....privacy" Bex interrupted pulling Zoey along as the two of them winked at me. I rolled my eyes at them and saw Eddy shaking his head and smiling at Zoey.

"Can we talk after school? My place?" Eli said as he shoved on hand inside the front pocket of his jeans.

"Yeah, yeah sure!" I smiled and he nodded.

"Okay, see you around" he smiled and he left, as his hands brushed mine a little. I watched him leave before someone snapped their fingers in front of my face.

"Stop drooling and let's go to class" Zoey said as she pulled my arm.

"I'm not drooling!" I snapped as I subconsciously wiped my hand over my mouth to check.

"Jeez, okay! No need to go all grumpy pants on me" she rolled her eyes as we began to walk to class.

"I thought you and Bex left already" I asked confused.

"We did....well, she did. Eddy wanted to talk to me so she left alone while I talked to him" she explained and I nodded.

"So....Eddy huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her as she blushed.

"Shut up" she said right before we entered our fourth class for the day. Physics.

"Settle down please" The tall male teacher said as he entered the class, bending before he could pass the doorway because of his height. All noisemaking stopped and were replaced by groans and murmurs. We sat in our seats and I waved at Bex immediately our eyes met as she winked back.

"Today, we'll be discussing some past questions since your final exams are on the way" Mr Dab, the teacher said and he stood in front of the class, turning the pages of a large textbook occasionally. More groans echoed in the class which included mine because physics was definitely not my thing.

"Sir, I need to use the restroom" Bex raised her hand as all the attention goes to her.

"Make it quick" Mr Dab said as she left the class. I placed my head on the table, still facing the class.

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