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Alexandrea's P.O.V

I stepped back away from him after I said that. He was probably still recovering from the shock that I did that. Honestly, I had no idea where that came from either.

"C'mon. Let's go" he said with furrowed eyebrows as we both walked towards the sea. My heart was beating wildly as I got closer it.

What if I drown? Or get stuck underwater? Or get eaten by the sharks? Or get kidnapped by the mermaids? Or-

"Hey! It's okay. It's just water" Nick said cutting off my thoughts. I didn't even realize I stopped walking.

"A large volume of water" I said with a shudder.

"That is harmless. Once an amazing person like me teaches you how to swim, you won't worry about all that" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you know that approximately 320,000 people die annually due to this 'harmless' body of water?" I said resting one hand on my waist.

"No I didn't but thanks for sharing the knowledge. Now let's start" he said as he began to walk and noticed I was still rooted to my spot.

"What if I get swallowed by a shark or something? Or the waves dive me deeper into the ocean and I drown? Or-"

"The more you list, the scarier it gets" he cut me off with an amused look in his eyes.

"You can do this. It's just water. You are tough. You can't be scared of water because you are a strong ass woman" I gave myself a pep talk silently and took a deep breath.

"Are you done?" Nick said hiding a smile and I rolled my eyes at him and hit him lightly causing him to shut up. Pep talks,coffee and the old sweater given to me by my grandma is what keeps me going.

We walked into the ocean not going deep yet. The blue water buried my legs up to my knees as it sparkled under the moonlight.

"You're shorter than I thought" Nick laughed and jabbed him in the ribs lightly.

"It's cute though" he laughed after I jabbed him and blushed a deep red. You can't blame me, I'm not used to compliments. Especially ones from an half naked green eyed guy beside me.

"This is a bad idea. I can't do this" I shook my head as I turned around and began to walk back to the shore.

"You'll never overcome your fears if you keep running away from them." He said and I felt as if it had a double meaning. Like it was about my nightmares and the thought if anyone apart from my mom knowing made me want to crawl up in a hole.

"Shorty, turn around now" he said calmly and ignored him and continued walking towards the shore. Then there was silence. I was about to turn to check what happened before I was lifted off the ground over someone's shoulder.

"I warned you" Nicholas said as he began to walk back to the ocean leaving me staring at his muscular back.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Nick let me down!" I yelled hitting his back. Or maybe using that as an opportunity to touch his back.

"Okay" he said and dropped me in the ocean.

I swear this boy is a jerk.

The water filled my mouth and nostrils. The familiar sting of my eye made me swing my arms randomly.

"Help!! Nick help!! I'm drowning!" I yelled trying to spit the water out.

"No you're not! Just stand up!" He yelled back at me. I'm not drowning?. I realized I was squatting in the water. Ugh...I'm so stupid!.

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