Chapter FOUR

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Alexandrea's P.O.V

I spaced out and completely forgot about the other new students that where introducing themselves as I glared at him. I didn't even catch his name.

He just stood in front of the class and his lips where moving and Bam!
He was sitting behind me.

I was trying hard not to flip as I gripped my sketchbook on my lap. Hard. Immediately the class was over, I practically ran out of the class. They all smelt like trouble and I didn't want anything to do with trouble. I've had enough of that in my life.

Hopefully, Bex is having that class as well. I glanced back and as expected, Stephanie a.k.a the school slut or as I'll like to put it, the queen bitch amd her minions were all over the new boys. And honestly, saying the boys were hot would be an understatement. I eyed her with disgust as she was playing with green eyes's hair. They are new for fuck's sake and she was throwing herself at them.

Green eyes wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled.

Well....she thought she giggled but she actually sounds like a choking rat. Honestly.

Just when I decided to turn around my eyes met those green orbs again. And of course, he was smirking. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. I walked to my locker, grabbed my books and stuffs then headed to chemistry class.

And guess what!

The boys and the only girl who looks like green eyes had chemistry as well. I mean could today get any worse.

This time around when the new students-which are four- introduced themselves I paid attention.
There was a brown haired guy, tall, extremely hot, muscular, grey eyes. Then the second was tall as well, blonde hair, really cute,blue eyes and muscular too. The next was green eyes. He is attractive too but I would never admit that to him. He had black hair, green eyes of course, muscular and is tall too. The last girl looked alot like green eyes. She had green eyes too black straight hair, curvy and not too tall.

I am so ashamed of my height right now.

And if I can recall their names properly, the brown haired guy is Elijah Perkins. The blonde haired guy is Edward Norway. The girl is Zoey Hunter and green eyes's is Nicholas Hunter. So I guess the Hunters are twins.

I sat with Bex for class and the teacher rambled on about how we should be serious about our lives.

You see..... I don't hate chemistry but he just keeps on preaching about how we should take our grades seriously and stuff. That is what makes his class so boring.

By the time the class was over, the students practically flew out of his class while Bex, who was busy checking out the new guys and I left for other classes. Classes went by and the rest of the day was just like normal school and I had a few classes with some of them. And I avoided them as much as I could.

During closing time, I waited for Bex by my locker so we could go to the parking lot together. I saw her blonde hair jumping up and down as she jogged towards me. I couldn't afford dressing like her, it will bring up questions about my scars.

 I couldn't afford dressing like her, it will bring up questions about my scars

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Bex's outfit)

"Bex..." Before I could warn her, she collided with a body. A tall one. She staggered back and her books scattered all over the floor. Without looking up, she quickly bent down to pick them and I ran over there to help her.

"Oh my God! I'm so clumsy, I'm really sorry, I wasn't.."she rambled while standing up to collect her other books from him and trailed off,shamelessly checking him out. He had brown hair which was sticking in all directions, blue eyes, muscular of course and with a smile on. Not to mention the dimple on one side of his cheeks. I rolled my eyes at my bestie's stupidity and apologized on her behalf.

"I'm sorry, she's really clumsy" I said

"No, no, I wasn't watching where I was going, I'm really sorry" He said while looking at me. He glanced at her and let out an amused chuckle.

"Bex, can we go when you are done checking him out" I asked smirking.

"Huh?" She snapped out of her daydream and turned red out of embarrassment.

" I wasn't checking him out" she blushed.

"Yeah,sure you weren't" The guy chuckled again,still amused.

"The name's Lucas. You can call me Luke." He said while extending his hand out to Bex.

She blushed and shook his hand while saying her name as well.

"Uh, Bexlee" She looked at him and smiled. I noticed they've not stopping shaking hands. I rolled my eyes sensing the sexual tension between them.

"I am Alex,nice knowing you too but we have to go" I said which startled the two of them as they quickly released each other's hands blushing.

"So, uh, bye" Bex said while grinning.

"Yeah bye" The guy replied and left but not before winking at her.

I was looking at Bex because she had this big smile on her face as if she just saw an angel.

"Earth to Bex" I waved my hand in front of her face as she sighed dreamily while looking like a lovestruck puppy.

"Isn't he gorgeous? Like damn!! that dimple. And don't even get me started about his eyes. His lips had that perfect shape and looks so soft. God, I wish I could kiss them" she rambled dreamily as I glared at her.

"What?" She asked me as I shake my head at her craziness.

"You just met him and you are acting all dreamy" I stated while she packed her stuff from the locker and followed me as we were walking towards our cars.

"What if this is destiny and we are soulmates?!" She asked widening her eyes in excitement. I just rolled my eyes at her .

"You are watching way too many chick flicks for your own good"I said to her. She just ignored me and continued day dreaming about Lucas.

We got to our cars,bid each other goodbye and went home. But I went to a restaurant. I had a part time job at the restaurant. I don't need the money but I'm doing it because of my passion for culinary arts.

I parked my car outside and entered the familiar building, Reese's foodies. I greeted the familiar faces and wore my apron. I started work immediately. I don't cook there but I serve and during my free time I learn a few things from the chef.

Maria,one of my close friends there smiled and I smiled back as she saw me working. I took orders and served food and drinks. I went to take the order for the next table and I met a pair of familiar grey eyes. Oh boy!!

Elijah Perkins. And he was alone.

"Hi! what would you like to have?" I asked smiling sweetly as if I didn't know him. He looked at me as if he knew me but was trying to know where.

"Hey, you are that girl that keeps sending murderous glares at Nicholas" he said with an amused smile. And he had dimples. I think I'm dreaming.

Bexlee should be impressed, I got two hot guy's attention today.

Way to go Alex!! I cheered to my inner self sarcastically . So much for not being noticed.
Hello sweethearts,

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