Chapter SIXTY

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Elijah's P.O.V

"What?!" Eddy and Zoey chorused in surprise. Eddy furrowed his eyebrows, creases forming on his forehead.

"I don't get this" Eddy frowned.

"No. That's impossible" Zoey said, shaking her head. "Nick would never do such a thing. Why would you even think that?" Zoey looked at me in disbelief.

I sat up, placing my elbows on my knees. "Some stuff happened between us and I think that's why he kidnapped Alex" I said.

"He did not kidnap Alex. My brother would never!" Zoey yelled at me. Eddy looked confused as ever.

He tried to call Zoey down but she swiped his hands away. "Listen Eli, I don't know or care about what happened between you two but I know Nick. Nick didn't kidnap her so stop saying shit" she said, pointing at me.

I sighed, rolling my eyes and getting irritated. "Would you at least listen to me?" I snapped.

She folded her arms and looked at me through narrowed slits. "I'm listening" she said.

"Look, recently, Stephanie told me some things about Alex and Nick which I'm doubting. He has been acting weird these days. Did you notice how he's not here right now? Why--" Before I completed the sentence, she cut me off.

"Because he went to find a way to get her back! He's fucking helping! While he's doing that, you're here talking shit about him. That's fucking low of you, Eli! So fucking low!" Zoey bursted out.

I felt so embarrassed and disappointed in myself. What was I thinking? "I was also trying to help..." I said, with my head hung low.

Zoey tsked, "Yeah sure" she said in sarcasm. She stormed out of the room in anger.

I looked up to meet Eddy's disappointed gaze. "I think you should leave now" he said.

Anger started to build up in me." I should leave? I was just trying to help! You're talking about me not helping but what about you?! What have you two done? Huh?" I said in anger.

Eddy opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Zoey storming back into the room and giving him a long peck on the lips. She stopped then faced me. "That's what we were doing because my brother said not to get involved. And we have a tracker on him. He doesn't know yet but in about...." She checked the time " hour, we'll follow him. So what were you saying?" She said, raising her eyebrow.

I didn't have any other thing to say. "In order not to get yourself kicked out, keep your fucking mouth shut till it's time for us to leave. Clear?" Zoey said, eyeing me.

"Whatever" I frowned as I laid on the bed. Taking Eddy's arm, she dragged Eddy out of Nick's room.

I heard something along the lines of "Damn baby, I didn't know you were so sassy" from Eddy as they left. They closed the door and I stared at the ceiling, sighing at intervals.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I muttered to myself, closing my eyes. Why do I like to mess things up? Ugh! I miss Alex. I miss her face. I miss the way she would smile when I complimented her cooking. I miss her smell. I miss her even though I saw her this morning-- wait, shit! Are you still talking about Alex? Or is your mind drifting to someone else? My mind asked.

I bounced up from the bed, shaking my head. No! I'm not supposed to think of her. Not Stephanie. I need a drink. I stood up and walked out of Nick's room. I walked to the sitting room and found Zoey and Eddy cuddling on the couch. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Can you guys--Ugh! Never mind." I said. Zoey just chuckled and stuck her tongue out at me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Hey! No glaring at my girlfriend" Eddy said playfully as he covered Zoey's face with his palm. Zoey kisses his palm and he kisses the top of her head. I looked at them in playful disgust.

"Someone get me out of here" I groaned as I took a can of soda and went back to Nick's room. Taking a seat on his chair, I sipped the soda and randomly looked around.

Humming 'Highest in the room' by Travis Scott, I stood up and started to walk around his room. Normally, Nick had some packs of cigarettes in the lower drawer beside his bed but now it was empty. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged, closing his drawer.

I finished the soda and threw the can in the bin. I decided to lay down again, waiting for when Zoey and Eddy would call me and we'll start heading out. As I lay across the bed, my mind drifted to this morning. The words stuck to my head.

'What are we?' Many things we're running through my mind. What are we? I don't know what I would call whatever was going in between us, I just knew it wasn't healthy and it's wrong. But it feels so right. But that does not change the fact that it's still wrong.

I ran my hands through my hair. In few words, Stephanie is a girl I slept with by accident and now I can't stop thinking about her which is wrong because I have an amazing girlfriend who is probably going in trouble right now.

I closed my eyes, sighing. Unknowingly, I drifted off into a slumber with the wrong person on my mind.

Alexandrea's P.O.V

As expected, I woke up again unable to move or speak or feel. But this time, it was Axel that was in front of me.

"Awake already? That was fast" he smirked.

My heart ached and fear started to build up as I thought of different reasons he's here with me. Don't let him touch you! This has to end!, my mind screamed. But I couldn't do anything.

He was leaning against the wall, eyeing my body shamelessly. Even if he doesn't touch you, it doesn't mean you'll get out here alive anyway, I thought.

He started to walk towards me like a predator studying it's prey. He took slow steps towards me until he was directly beside the bed. I gulped in fear. It is about to start all over again. But at least  I won't feel the pain physically.

I just wish I would die easily. I don't want to go through all this. Can't they just poison me? It may not hurt me physically but it fucks me up both mentally and emotionally.

He suddenly frowned. "I thought you'd be easier to handle after drugging you but I like you stubborn" he said. "Seeing you like this is a turn off" he muttered to himself.

I silently sighed in relief. Lucas was no where around. I just laid there helplessly as Axel bent down. He traced a finger from my neck, down to my chest. Then he caresses my breast aggressively but I couldn't feel anything. His frown deepened and he stood up.

"Big turn off" he muttered again before leaving the room. Tears rolled down from the corner of my eyes. Oh, what exactly did I do to deserve this fucked up life?

A short lady with black, short and wavy hair walked in with a covered tray in hand. She was wearing a tight knee length dress. It has blue duck prints on it. I could tell she was Chinese from her round face and eye slits. Please, save me!, I yelled in my mind.

Without a word, she bent down and dropped the tray in the floor. She didn't even spare me a look. She opened the tray and in it laid a syringe and a small bottle that contained a colourless liquid. She put the syringe in the bottle, drawing in the liquid.

Tears welled up in my eyes again as I watched her insert the needle on my arm, unable to move or feel. She finished injecting the whole liquid into me and stood up. Then she, cleaned up and gave me a look like she wanted to say something.

She glanced at the entrance then at me again. She opened her mouth to say something but my eyes started to close and my world started to spin

"Listen, there is...." She started but the rest sounded so distant and foreign. Before I knew it, I was drawn into my nightmares and I'm reminded of how much I wish I was never born.

Writer: Hello sweethearts,
How have you all been? It's been a while. Another chapter out! Don't forget to vote, comment, follow and share. Enjoy!


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