|~| Mashirao Ojiro x Fem!Reader |~|

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Popcorn Cuddles


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"Did you get the salt?"

"And the butter!" You replied, making your way to the living room couch. The blonde gave a soft smile and appreciation. "How could I forget, hm?"

Mashirao's tail laid over the couch arm to give you both more room. He adjusted his legs and moved the blanket from his lap, inviting you into his embrace. You gladly accepted your fate in his warmth and crawled into his lap, the salt and butter flavor in hand.

Mashirao chuckled a little when you sat down, though still moved around to adjust and get completely set. Some of your hair tickled his nose, even. Though he didn't mind at all, that just meant more warmth for him!

Once you were all set you leaned back into your boyfriend's chest, letting out a relaxed sigh. He placed the blanket back on top of you both before turning to grab the large bowl of popcorn. He brought it around and handed it to you. You smiled at him, which resulted in him smiling back.

"Thank you!" You cooed, taking the bowl. You started to salt it slightly then put the butter flavoring in the popcorn. Your boyfriend took the remote and began to scroll through all of the recorded movies you had on display, all waiting to be watched.

"Hm, what do you have in mind today?" He asked, curious. There was everything from Disney movies to documentaries. Mashirao watched everything basically, though it was a lot better with you by his side.

He adjusted a little, his tail wrapping back around. His tail finally relaxed on your legs, the edge wagging a bit in his joy. The hair was a bit messed up and unkept, he could thank Denki for that. He never exactly knew why the blonde was so obsessed with petting his tail.

"How about a {F/Genre} movie? We haven't watched one of those in a while," you suggested, finishing up the popcorn. You handed Mashirao the flavoring and he took it without looking away from the screen. As he sat them on the small table by the couch you spoke again. "Or do you think tonight would be more of a random night?"

He hummed, a cheek puffed out in slight thought. You loved when he did that, it made him adorable. Well, even more adorable. How could you resist his cute face? You couldn't.

"I think a {F/G} would be fine. Any requests?" He glanced at you after he sorted the movie genres. He smiled a little, studying your features.

He loved you so much, and he swore with every passing day he loved you more and more. When you first met at UA he thought you were stunning without a doubt. Everything about you was perfect to him. He felt sorta out of place, feeling kinda boring beside you. He loved how unique you were though, in every way.

"Nope!" You looked at Mashirao, already some popcorn stuffed into your mouth. "You can choose!"

He chuckled at your stuffed cheeks before choosing a random movie. He sat the remote down then wrapped his arms around you. One arms held you by your middle while the other occasionally invaded the popcorn bowl, the snack never able to escape from his grip ever again.

Almost every weekend you both would have a movie night. What was better than just chilling at home? What was better than having your boyfriend hold you and talk with you about everything? The answer? Nothing. Did you think of something else? Doubt it.

Mashirao wasn't one to talk about himself much unless asked. He wasn't like Shoji or Todoroki though, he had plenty of emotion to show. His embarrassment was the funniest, and by far the cutest. His tail would shake and his face would grow pink, his words all jumbled and backed up.

You found yourself giggling at the thought of his embarrassed expressions. It was often if you teased him or decided to flirt with him. Or, maybe it was a topic that he was slightly uncomfortable with?

"What's made you so giggly?" He asked, resting his head on yours. He placed another popcorn piece in his mouth, listening to your cute giggles. He could listen to them all night, honestly.

"Oh, nothing," you nuzzled you're head into him, still smiling. "I forgot the drinks! What do you want?"

Mashirao whined a little, already so comfortable with you in his arms. He let you go then reached for the remote to pause the movie. "Water or tea would be fine," he spoke, taking the popcorn bowl from your hands. "And here I thought we were going to go the entire way through without interruptions!"

You rolled your eyes a little then went to the kitchen to get the drinks. You hurried as fast as you could, not wanting to keep him waiting for too long.

When you came back he was fixing up his tail, trying to make it neater. He muttered under his breathe about how Denki could get so carried away with it. He just couldn't understand why it had to be his tail, even if he didn't really mind it. He just wished he didn't make such a large mess of the hair.

You sat the drink down by the couch then quickly left again. Mashirao was confused but didn't ask, not exactly thinking about it either. He just cleaned up his tail a little then munched on some popcorn.

When you came back you didn't give him time to react. You jumped onto him, resulting in him coughing and choking on popcorn. He spilled some too, though safely sat the bowl on the ground as he took his drink to wash the popcorn down.

"Sorry!" You apologized, smiling. "I just wanted to make sure I had your full attention!"

Mashirao calmed down from his fit and looked at you, nervously smiling. "Of course you would, huh? Well, I'm all-"

You quickly made your way up and kissed him on the lips, culling his cheeks. His face immediately went bright pink, though his tail wagged in enjoyment. He kissed back after a second, just after the shock washed over.

When you pulled away you adjusted yourself in his lap and covered you both up in the blanket. His face was still pink though, and he was not a stuttering mess. That's exactly what you wanted.

"I- W-Wha- I-" he didn't know what to say, or what to do. After a second he cleared his throat and grabbed the remote and just played the movie. You laughed as soon as he buried his face into your neck to hide his strawberry face.

You knew that he loved to hold you though, you knew he loved you even if you did embarrass him sometimes. It was all harmless anyway! He loved your kisses, though almost every time they were by surprise and caused a strawberry face. But he loved it, and so did you.

Now it was time for some cuddles. Some popcorn that has escaped the bowl was on the blanket or Ojiro himself... so maybe that made it popcorn cuddles?

Yeah, popcorn cuddles.


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
tonerukun on DeviantArt

Music Credit:

Published On:
January 11, 2021

{While looking up fanart I found out Shinso x Ojiro is a thing. Also it's 4:42AM. HELP.}

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