|~|Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader|~|

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First Day Jitters


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UA High School? Man, this kind of weight on your shoulders felt like dumbbells that were flying but kept falling when you realize that you were supposed to take this as a large responsibility. UA was important, and now you were right in the middle of it.

You took a deep breath and looked at your schedule. You couldn't help but have your knees quake. You could feel people watching you. You could hear them talking.

Were they talking about you? Of course they are! They were just looking at you! Or were they looking at that boy over there? No, definitely you!

You felt outnumbered and overwhelmed. Those dumbbells just pulverized your shoulders.

You began to quickly walk towards your class. You passed many people with their unique features. It made you question what their quirks could be.

You took a deep breath when you reached the right floor. You looked left and right before turning towards your needed direction.

Class 1-A huh? Must stand for first years class A.

At the size of the door you felt like an ant. You looked up and gulped. This door was huge! Were there titans here?

You took a deep breath and entered the class silently.

When you entered the room you looked around. It was large but cozy. You relaxed a bit at that, nothing too fancy here.

You then realized that some students were already here.

One had six arms with web between them (you guessed his quirk had something to do with those no doubt). Another student had yellow hair with a black horizontal thunderbolt-like streak in it. And finally the last student had a bird-like head yet everything else about his body was human.

Other than the first student you wondered what their quirks were.

The yellow haired boy looked over to you. He smiled and waved. "Hey! You're one of our classmates, yeah? Come over here!"

You gulped. This boy must be quite social.

You shyly made your way over to the trio. The two more menacing ones watched you closely. The yellow one was all smiles.

"Isn't this awesome!? We're in UA! How cool is that?" The yellow boy exclaimed.

You nodded and rubbed your arm. "I know, right? It's crazy..."

The bird-like boy nodded and leaned against the desk. "Agreed. I suppose if we are to be taught together we must first know each other well. The future might depend on it."

You frowned a bit. That's one way to think of it I guess?

"I'll go!" The yellow boy said with a wild smile. "I'm Denki Kaminari! I have an electrification quirk! Pretty cool, right?"

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