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You Are Accepted


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You slowly walked into the main room, shifting. You were going to tell them all. You were going to let it out and hopefully they wouldn't mind. After all, there was Magne after all!

Mr. Compress, Atsuhiro Sako, was the first to notice your new clothing. He turned over. "My! What a pleasant surprise to see you in such attire!" He leaned on his cane as he watched you shyly look around the room.

The entire league was there. They all looked over with Atsuhiro's observation. Something different to your usual attire, though it didn't seem to bother any of them.

"Ooo!" Himiko exclaimed. "You look amazing in it!" She bounded over your observe your clothing, which made you nervously smile and laugh.

Dabi, being one of the more observant of the League, seemed to think. He looked your outfit up and down, from your shoes to your hair. He tilted his head to the side as if he needed to look in another angle. He had a feeling you wanted to say something, noticing how your lips moved and how uneven you seemed to balance yourself.

Spinner, Shuichi Iguci, crossed his arms. "Don't tell me we're playing dress up? Or going on a mission? Today isn't the day."

"Oh hush!" Magne exclaimed, puffing her cheeks out. "Don't act like you don't look like a Stain rip-off! Let {Y/N} wear what they want!"

You smiled at the big sister of the group. "Thanks, Big Sis," you nervously rubbed your arm. "Actually, I kinda wanted to talk to you all... I wore this outfit for a reason."

Kurogiri looked over from his table counter. He folded his hand neatly and held them over his waist. He had his full attention on you, as he always did when he was spoken to. He was always the better of the League, the only anyone could go to for a chat or to have someone listen to.

"Well then," Tomura spat a bit. "Say it. I want to continue my scheming."

You shifted a little. You couldn't speak until Jin audibly gasped and ran over. "ARE YOU COLD!? What's wrong? Are you leaving us!?" You could see the tears already forming through his mask as you watched the man fall to his knees at your feet. "NoOoOoOoOo!"

You shook your head. You patted the sad man's head and smiled. "No, Twice. I actually wanted to say that... I feel more comfortable as a..."

With everyone's eyes on you, almost everyone knew what you wanted to say. Dabi layer his head back watching the fearful tears form in your eyes. The way you struggled to say it, he couldn't take it anymore.

"You feel more comfortable as a {man/woman}?" He said, which shocked the crew with how he said it. It was smooth and sweet, like honey.

You let out a relived laugh, nodding as you wiped your eyes. "Yeah, I-I do..."

Immediately, the three musketeers were in front of you. "WE'VE BEEN USING THE WRONG PRONOUNS!?" Jin, Magne, and Himiko exclaimed in horror.

Jin fell to the ground and curled up in a ball. "I'm a disappointment! I'm a terrible friend! BURN IT IN FIRE!"

Himiko sighed at her friend's actions before she hugged you tight. "Don't worry, {Y/N}! We won't hurt your feelings ever again!"

You hugged your friend back just as Magne did the same. Magne happily patted your back then your head. "Yeah, same here!"

Kurogiri thought for a moment before he walked over. You looked up at him before Kurogiri places his misty hand on your head. "Apologies for my incorrect identification, 'Mister/Miss' {Y/N} {L/N}. I feel deeply humiliated for such arrogance. I hope you forgive my actions."

You nodded. "Don't worry guys, I'm not mad!"

The four visibly relaxed as you spoke. The remaining four stood back and watched. They didn't react much to the news, not exactly caring but taking into account.

Atsuhiro looked over. "Well well, that appears to be some news!" He exclaimed. "Am I obliged to join such a hug?"

You nodded and opened your arms for the magician. He came over and hugged her kindly, gentle and calm. He then whispered into your ear something soft. "You are accepted here, {Y/N}."

Once he let go he bowed and returned to his original placement.

Shuichi watched you closely. He hummed a little and glanced to Magne. He then shrugged. "Ah, whatever. What did you expect? For us to kill ya' or something?"

You shook your head. "No," you said calmly, "I didn't know what I expected, actually. But I guess not this, ha!"

Dabi closed his eyes in thought. "Hm,"He wasn't very inflicted in anything. Being the one who had suspected it for a while, this was more of relieving news to him. He opened his eyes again to look at you. "Good call kid."

Tomura just watched it all unfold. He then sighed and sat back at his counter chair, unamused. Though, he did care. He wouldn't let anyone know that of course. Not in a million years.

You were happy to have a family like this one. A family like the League of Villains. Like family, they accept changes without a fight of the ones they love. They all loved you.


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
Anime Screenshot

Music Credit:

Published On:
November 20, 2020

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