|~| Yagi Toshinori x Pirate!Fem!Reader |~|

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Land Ho!

Quirk is Selected

\Requested By\

Yagi Toshinori

Today just seemed to be one of those days. Long, boring, and all of the villains trying the same stuff. Sure, the hero was on his toes, but he's grown so tired. He wished something changed today, something unique.

Well, a pirate was a new one.

Watching the female pirate run with a bag of money over her shoulder as fast as she could with her crew mates running behind, Yagi was interested. How could he not? He's never had a pirate villain before.

He jumped down from the building roof and easily used a blast from his calf to zoom through the streets right for your group. He had to be quick to prevent anyone getting hurt.

Though your crew mate seemed to alarm you, which caused in the hero barely dodging a cannon ball to the face from your cannon arms. You let out a laugh and tossed the money onto the ship by the deck. Your crew mates readied the ship for leave on your orders, no hesitation.

Yagi has to steady himself, your cannon balls coming at him quickly and with no rest. Your laugh surrounded the air, filling the hero's ears. You looked so full of yourself, so pleased.

"So you're the legendary All Might?" You called, your accent ringing through the air. "Shame!"

He jumped up when you shot a large cannon ball, kicking through the air to make his way after you. Your ship was getting away, though he wasn't worried. Neither were you.

Right as he was about to land in your spot, you fired a grappling hold from your arm cannon and began to zip through the air. You laughed again, your smile big and bright. Yagi watched you for a moment, wondering what exactly your goal was.

Sure you took money, but what was the point? Was there some kind of market over seas? Or a black market? Or was it just because you were a pirate and wanted treasure?

He hummed before stepping off and flying through the air. He made his way to your ship and landed, taking the steerer down first. Though the many members on the ship weren't having that and went to attack.

He couldn't see you, so he figured you were below deck. He began to dodge, began to hit and punch and throw anyone who came at him. Who knows what you all had on this ship?

Someone started to shoot a gun, which surprised him. He didn't know pirates used guns!

He grunted, a few bullets getting him. He coughed out a bit before going after the gunman, not too fazed by it. He was going to get the money back and put you all in jail.

When he did see you, he was surprised. You had come up from beneath him and gave a cannon ball to his gut. He was impressed!

Though he decided enough was enough and finished off the rest of the crew mates. When he got to you he grabbed your wrists and held them together behind your back. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Don't want you shooting at me."

You smiled, laughing a little. "So what?" You looked over your shoulder. "At least it's was you, huh? Not too bad for someone in their forties."

He choked on air. What was he supposed to say to that?


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
Anime Screenshot

Music Credit:

Published On:
January 12, 2021

Sorry it's short and shitty again! A decent Toshi will be made in the future at some point though, promise!

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