|~|Dabi x Sick!Civilian!Reader pt. 2|~|

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Winged Rat vs. The Blue Flame

About A Week Later, Violence, Swearing, Vomiting

\Requested By\


Dabi frowned softly as he bent beside you. He patted your back {and held your hair back} as you threw up everything you've had today. Tears erupted from your eyes at the acid stench and the pain in your throat. Dabi calmed you down with soft whispers and continued to pat and rub your back.

"D-Dabi," you croaked out, barely strong enough to keep your head up. "What... time is it?"

Dabi have you a sympathetic look. "It's noon. It's not time to take more medicine," he carefully lifted you from the ground, helping you lean on the counter. Seeing you so weak and not able to function correctly was worrying him.

You let out a pained and impatient cry. Your voice was raspy and Dabi could tell you were in more pain than you looked. Dabi felt your head and sighed. "You're burning up," he muttered.

You weakly looked at Dabi as he reached behind you to the mirror. Your head almost fell back but he caught it. He took the thermometer and looked at you.

You were pale, so very pale. You were sweating, though was shivering and freezing. Dabi carefully sat you on the ground to prevent you from collapsing. He was worried, not knowing what to do. He lifted your head a little as it fell.

"Open up," he ordered, ready to call Jin or Himiko. You weakly opened your mouth and he placed it under your tongue. He reached into his pocket and looked at his phone you had given him to borrow.

Dabi cursed to himself. He opened the phone and went to his numbers. He held your hand as you leaned against the tub side. Dabi was about to click on Jin's number before pausing. He knew you needed to go to the hospital, but how would you get there?

Dabi ran a hand through his hair in frustration and anger, placing his hands on his head along with the phone. He studied you as you began to fall asleep. He shook you a little.

"Hey," he said softly. "Hey don't fall asleep. Not right now. I need to make sure you're alright before you do."

He took the thermometer as you opened your eyes a little. His eyes grew. Shit. He put the thermometer on the counter and went through the medicines in the cabinet.

"W-What... was my temperature...?" You croaked out, taking a deep breath. "D-Dabi?"

Dabi gulped. He glanced back down to the thermometer. 104.8 it read. Dabi shook his head and returned to the medicine. "Don't worry about it," he said. "I'm going to need to call my friends."

You tried to get up, making Dabi quickly look over. "Sit down, damn it! You're going to hurt yourself!" He sat a bottle down and grabbed you right as you slipped. He growled in frustration. "Don't get up."

You coughed, turning your head to the side so you wouldn't cough in his face. He picked you up and carried you to bed. He sat you down gently before he turned to your window. He noticed how it was open.

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