|~| Kai Chisaki x Baby!Reader |~|

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Is This Filth?

Filth, Experimentation Mentions

\Requested By\
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Kai Chisaki

Kai never really expected to find himself in this 'game'. That's what he called it at least. A game of stepping on eggshells-he would trample all over them if Chronostasis didn't keep reminding him. Kai was so annoyed at times, though he was trying to learn from his mistakes.

Over time he was starting to realize his wrongs. Especially towards Eri, for example. Though what made him change? Made him see things differently? Maybe it was a chemical in the brain... or it was when you were found?

Chronostasis and Nemoto found you in an alleyway one morning. They figured the best option was to bring you back, perhaps teach you to become a future leader of the yakuza. Kai wasn't into it, you were filthy. Dirty, constantly needing attention, always needing a diaper change-and worst of all-spit up.

Kai was sitting on the couch with the two gentlemen across from him, Nemoto being the one to hold you. He had narrowed his eyes, his pupils almost unseen from anger. The first words that came out of his mouth almost made Mimic laugh aloud; "Is this filth?"

Though, with much convincing from the two, plus Rappa who wanted to teach you how to fight as soon as you learned to walk, Kai reluctantly let you into the yakuza. Chronostasis, Nemoto, and occasionally Mimic and Rappa, would care for you while Kai was busy. Kai didn't know why he had to be the caregiver. He understood that he was to teach you leadership, but be a father? NOPE.

Though, when you said your first word he was walking out of the room. Mimic was forced to watch you, he hated doing it {though he secretly loved it} but he would do anything Kai asked. You started to cry while Kai left and immediately tried to call for him. Your first word was 'daddy' as you reached toward Kai.

Maybe that's what made him rethink everything he's done? When he finally felt claimed by someone, someone who loved him? You could have called Nemoto 'dad', you saw him the most and he loved you. But you chose him, why?

He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes slowly. He started to feel the deep sensation of regret in his chest. It was like he was suffocating, honestly. He felt terrible now, slowly realizing what he was doing to the child was wrong. Using her just to make Trigger? Maybe he was right, maybe he did loose his mind.

Kai sighed heavily and tapped his index to his temple. The rhythm was soothing, set at the same time upset his pounding head.

A knock at his door brought him from his thoughts. He opened his eyes and looked over, calling out to let the other person know that they could come in. In came Chrono, in one arm was your frame.

"Sir," he said, closing the door behind him. "They were calling for you. If you're too busy I could ask for someone else, though I figured I should try to see if you were-"

"Give the child to me," he cut him off, waving a hand. "And bring Eri here as well. Make sure she doesn't run." Chrono carefully handed you over to Kai's arms, in which he first rolled down his coat sleeves so you wouldn't get him filthy.

Chrono left to get Eri, not questioning his boss's order. You looked up at Kai's eyes and giggled. He felt the guilt wash from his chest, feeling a hint of compassion. You were so small, so innocent.

He hummed and tilted his head. You mocked him, laughing soon after.

"You're not half bad," he muttered, mostly to himself. "Just as long as you-"

"Achoo!" You sneezed, a bit of spit and snot escaping your lips and nose. You giggled again and reached up for Overhaul. He wasn't having it.

"NEMOTO!" He screeched, quickly lifting you from his arms and holding you as if you were filth, arms out and barely holding you. When Nemoto burst into the door with his gun, expecting an attack, he relaxed seeing that the only threat was your baby mess. "THROW IT AWAY!"

Nemoto walked over, fun put away. He took you then looked at Kai. "Sir, I will gladly give them a bath. I don't believe we could throw a baby away."

Kai was currently in the process of throwing his coat into the corner, his gloves included. He then tore his mask off and threw it, his second mask still on. He began to itch his arms, already freaking out.

Nemoto sighed and left quickly, more than glad to have Mimic or Chrono deal with him. His mission was to bathe you at the moment.

You found the entire scene hilarious though. You were laughing so hard more drool was coming out. Nemoto was of course disgusted, but not as much as Kai was.

Mimic had come into his office to see what the commotion was about. He was expecting to see the boss in the process of taking his shirt off too. He left quickly and the yakuza boss discarded the infected clothing from his body. His pants were still on of course.

Luckily his room was connect to his office, easy access to clothes. So he changed, and that was that.

He happily burned the infected clothing to dust.


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
Me! KillerKamen {I'M PROUD}

Music Credit:

Published On:
January 2, 2021

{sorry, I wasn't very interested in this one. But I hope you liked this little gag oneshot! Reminder: DO NOT delete your comment after you send a request, please! Also, Fluff A-Z headcanons are now available!

Also, Also! I have a stack of requests! Please be patient with me, I'm slowly trying to get through them! I have 10 of them and that can quickly drown me! Thanks!


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