|~|Denki Kaminari x Reader|~|

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Sparks Fly


\Requested By\

Denki Kaminari/Reader

You giggled a little seeing the yellow-headed boy run down the track away from Iida. Which he failed with ease. Denki had flirted with the girls, again, and it set Iida off about how disrespectful he was being. Denki had ran from his lecture.

You rolled your eyes and trotted over time the spazzed out Denki and the lecturing Iida. You tapped Iida's shoulder for a second. When he turned you smiled.

"I think he's learned his lesson, Tenya," you smiled. "I think you scared him enough with your lecture."

"My lecture wasn't to scare him! It was to inform him!" He exclaimed, a little hurt by that.

Denki whined a little. "Come on, let me goooo...." he looked a little dizzy from all of that running.

After a moment Tenya sighed softly and sat Denki down. He bowed his apologies to the both of you before going off to return to his group. You smiled and turned to Denki, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Denki swallowed what seemed to be his fear or pride, you couldn't tell, and looked at you. "He can be so scary... and all he does it lecture people."

You giggled and patted his shoulder. "Maybe to you, but I find it a little funny. I tried so hard to be an example for everyone, you know? But he tries a little too hard," you let his shoulder go and Denki sighed.

"Can we go somewhere? Being within Iida's eyesight is giving me the chills," he shivered and you giggled again.

"Sure thing, bud!" You took his hand, which he didn't expect, and led him towards the dorms happily. You couldn't exactly see, but he had dusted pink cheeks from the warmth of your hand in his.

Did you moisturize? Your hands were so soft! He loved how warm your hand was in his, it's almost as if his hand was made for yours. At least, that's what the little mini voice in his head kept saying.

When at the dorms you let his hand go and smiled. "Should we hang out in the lobby or one of our rooms? I think everyone's out doing something today."

Denki hummed a little in thought, making you turn to look at the dork. You couldn't help but smile, finding his face adorable as he thought. When he came up with his idea you glanced to the side, hoping he didn't see.

"Why can't we go to my room? I have some games there we can play with to pass the time! I have a board game and a few card games, and of COURSE video games!"

You chuckled a little. "Sure you big dork. Care to lead the way?"

Denki chuckled a little and galloped ahead of you happily. You smiled as you watched him walk ahead, humming a tune. You couldn't tell where it was from but sounded very familiar.

"Hey Denki?" You called, having a question in mind. "What's your favorite food?"

Denki hummed in question now, instead of a tune. He was like that for a few seconds. "I don't know! I can't exactly decide, it's all so good, you know?"

You nodded in understanding. "You're right, ha! I wonder what other countries have to eat. It must be so weird compared to our food!"

Denki nodded. "I've tasted an American burger before! It was so good but so weird! They also have these things called 'potato salad' and it was so weird in my mouth!"

Your eyes lit up hearing about this. "When did that happen?" You gasped a little, in awe that Denki was so lucky.

Denki nervously chuckled. "Well, we have American food here but it isn't the same. In America it's almost everywhere! We went to America for two weeks two years ago for vacation," he smiled. "It was surprisingly big!"

You laughed a little. "It's one of the biggest countries, duh!" You smiled brightly.

When you two made it to Denki's dorm you both sat on his bed. Denki was smiling brightly with soft pink cheeks. You didn't exactly know it but you felt your own cheeks grow pink too.

Denki was such a good friend, a dork, and could be such an idiot. But he was your friend, your dork, and your idiot. You wouldn't have it either other way.

"{Y/N}?" He asked suddenly. "Can I ask you a question?"

You nodded pretty quickly. "Yeah, of course. What is it?" You tilted you head to the side, curious as to what he would say or do.

Denki played with his hands for a moment, nervous. "Um... ha oh boy," he grew even more nervous as the seconds flew by.

You frowned a little and furrowed your eyebrows. "Denki? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Denki nodded nervously. "Yeah, of course. Um... It's just... I-I don't know how to start..."

You took his arm, which made him turn a little red. "Come on, I'm sure you'll feel a lot better if you just say it! Don't think about it and just say it! It usually helps me!"

Denki looked at you nervously before nodding. He took a deep breath before he used his other hand to hold your hand. "{Y/N}, I think I like you. I know I just flirted with those girls but I PROMISE I only do that to... you know... get you off my mind a little..."

Your eyes grew a little at those words, your face hearing up a lot. He nervously looked to the side. "Sorry, I know it's stupid."

"No no, it's alright!" You smiled brightly. "I-I think I... like you too. And I know you weren't exactly interesting in those girls, I've seen you real use real pickup lines before."

Denki's jaw almost hit the floor once you said that. He didn't know what to exactly think. But after a moment he smiled and hugged you unexpectedly, making you squeak in surprise.

"Let's be a thing! Please!? I want you to be my girlfriend!" He seemed so happy, happier than a kid on Christmas.

You laughed and hugged him back just as tight. "Of course! I would love to have you as my boyfriend!" You giggled a little and he only held you tighter.

Denki was now officially your dork. And you wouldn't change the world for another one.


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
leleisama on DeviantArt

Music Credit:

Published On:
September 13, 2020

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