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After a hard day, you lay down to rest. Going over the difficulties you experienced, starting with, skipping breakfast due to an empty fridge containing nothing but tomatoes and spoiled foods. In an attempt to make it all better you tried to socialize with your family. Only, instead of socializing you were either ignored or interrupted. Such an occurrence is common for someone such as you. Excitement overcomes you and all you do is talk. Others find it rather annoying, soon someone else will find it endearing. You, however, are unaware of this person. After hours of being ignored and talked over, you gave up and went on to play your favorite game, titled "Genshin Impact." You'd just pulled Albedo few days ago after wishing for the entirety of the banner. Your absolute favorite character. You couldn't deny it, (although you found it embarrassing) you had a crush on this character. In your regained excitement, you went on to text your best friend about him. After all, you've been working hard to build him and level him. Why wouldn't you want to brag? You've invited this same friend countless times to play Genshin with you. However, she's far too busy to read those messages. She only ever responds with "nice." A damper on your mood. You laid yourself to rest and you wished, "if only I was in Dragonspine with Albedo." And so, you drift off.

A Wish Granted (AlbedoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now