painting in contemplation

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"Yes, it looks lovely on you. What do you think, Mr. Albedo? It suits her well, doesn't it?"

Albedo looked between Cecilia and Sucrose, quickly snapping out of his gaze. He took a deep breath, "it does look good." His eyes searched the room, before settling on a vase. He walked towards it and picked out a cecilia flower. Handing it to Cecilia he spoke, "I think this would really tie it together." Cecilia gasped, "this is a cecilia, isn't it? Like in the drawing. It's so much prettier in person." 

Albedo smiles, "I bought one from Flora so you could see one in person. How could we call you by the name of a flower you'd never even seen?" 

"Thank you" Cecilia says happily with the widest grin possible. 

Albedo blushes. "You seem so happy, may I sketch you? This moment should be preserved for you to look back on." 

"I should be going, I have outrider things to do."

"I'd like to step out, as well. I haven't eaten yet."

Bother Amber and Sucrose left and closed the door behind. Albedo and Cecilia watch as they left.

"I'd like if you did sketch me, Albedo. I feel truly happy right now."

Albedo smiles and begins to pull out a canvas and his paints. He said it would be a sketch not a full painting, Cecilia thought.

"Albedo." She called a minute later.

"Mm?" Was all he said as he was focusing on his painting.

"Do you find it odd that I'm so happy today. Considering the circumstances."

"Not at all, some people cope in different ways."

"You think I'm coping?"

"I believe it's a mix of genuine happiness and avoiding the negative things you're feeling."

"Surprising, I'm a stranger and not even I know myself. And yet I feel like you just looked into my heart and told me what I felt."

Brushstroke after brushstroke. Cecilia stood still, waiting for Albedo to finish. She enjoyed watching him paint. He smiled with every new stroke.

It was the way she wandered off in curiosity. Picking flowers and making flower crowns. He would have worn one if she asked him to. The happiness he felt when with her was new and surprising to the boy. He'd spent the time away from Cecilia researching amnesia. Hoping to use his gift of alchemy to create a remedy for her.

He hoped she would stay happy for as long as possible. As he said before, he knew her subconscious was making her happy when in reality she was hurting. It wouldn't be long until the pain eventually makes it's way to the surface.

The boy had noticed the faces Amber and Sucrose were making. He was behaving so oddly compared to his usual behavior and they'd both noticed it. It's only been one day, there was no reason for him to act this way with this strange girl. He didn't even know her real name.

Though, she was beautiful. It was the first thing he thought of her. He chose to ignore the feeling at first but, the longer he was with her. The more prominent it felt. He was avoiding the word "love" because it felt far too soon to say it. It could be a simple crush that'd go away in 3 months.

Secretly, he hoped his remedies would fail. If she remembered where she was from she'd have to return. Or perhaps she had someone else back home. A lover... he didn't know how to feel using that word.

He took a glace at the girl who stood still for him. She seemed so awkward, she had no idea what to do. She was adorable. Albedo smiled. She was starting to become squirmish. It was clear her personality was a lively one.

"How much longer?"

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