a wish granted

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Unbeknownst to yourself. An unknown God heard your cries. In your sleep you were transported straight into the world of Genshin Impact. Smack dab in the middle of Dragonspine. Your memories of your previous life are erased, never to be recovered. Was this a regretful decision? Perhaps, but you won't know it as your memories are long gone. Your life wasn't terrible, it was just an off day. And yet, here you are.

The narrators voice is then silenced, and on begins your story.

A young girl awakens, practically frozen, lain in snow. "How did I get here?" She wondered. An answer to which only few can answer.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Where am I?" She struggles to get the words out. The cold dried her throat, hoarse were the words she spoke. Struggling, this girl got herself onto her feet. Walking around aimlessly for hours. All the while she thought to herself.

Where am I?
How did I get here?
Why can't I remember any day before today?
I don't even know my name.

She stammered along the snowy mountain, trying hard not to faint. At every chance she got she parked herself by a fire. She would have stayed longer if not for the fact she was looking for another person. Someone to help her answer her questions. Although, she thought, what are the chances there's anyone here at all? Someplace so cold, ridden with monsters. She avoided them best she could, though her luck would soon run out. She now stands face to face with one of these beasts. She turns to run, barely getting away. It won't be too long before her legs give out.

"Help!!" She screamed best she could. Various cries for help leading her nowhere. Hopelessly, she runs until she tumbles, tripping over a rock. Hoarsley, she screams and cries.
This is it, she thinks.

She closes her eyes, expecting to be beaten to a pulp. Nothing happens, instead there is a burst. The sounds of feet moving amongst the snow. She opens her eyes and in front of her she sees: a white haired boy. He was fighting the monster. It was a fight that ended rather quickly. Was this boy strong or was the monster simply weak?

"How troublesome," he mutters. "The sun will have set before I can finish my sketch."

He slowly turns to look at the girl, who was staring in shock. She stared intensely. This boy was... rather beautiful. How can one being be so mesmerizing?

"What are you doing here? If you can't defend yourself against a single hilichurl then you have no reason to be somewhere as dangerous as Dragonspine."

Dragonspine is where she was. Though, she had trouble finding the words to respond. Not that she would have been able to speak if she had. She continued to stare in shock.

The white haired boy sighed and held out his hand. "Allow me to assist you. My camp is not too far from here. You're lucky I found you."

A Wish Granted (AlbedoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now