her name was cecilia

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"Hello, Klee! Its nice to meet you. Mr. Albedo was just telling me about you."

"Oh no, please just Albedo is fine."

"Oh im sorry, everyone else was calling you Mr Albedo."

"Yes, that's fine. I've told them not to but they don't seem to listen very well." He rubbed his neck

Klee stared in awe before saying, "are you guys flirting?" She then gasped. "Big brother is this your lover??!"

"What? No, I don't even know her name."

"That's no good. We need to give her a name, then! Hmmm, how about you give her one, big brother?"

"Me? Well, uhm, how about Cecilia?"

"Cecilia? I like that, where did you pull that name from."

"It's a flower that grows on Starsnatch Cliff."

"Yeah! They're soo nice. Big brother likes them a lot. They're his favorite."

"Is that so?" She raised a brow. She wondered, could this mean the boy has taken an interest in her? To name her after his favorite flower. It seemed unlikely for someone of his character.

"Klee!!!" Someone shouted from afar.

"Uh oh, I've been caught. I have to go now." The girl walked toward the voice with her head hung low.

"Ah yes, your food, you should eat before it gets too cold."

She takes a bite from her food, after swallowing she asks, "why did you name me after your favorite flower?"

"It was the first thing that came to mind."

"Is Cecilia a beautiful flower?"

"Far more than the calla lily you hold now."

"You could have called me after the calla lily then"

"Well yes, but the Cecilia suits you better."

"Is it because I'm beautiful?" She teased. The boy turned only a little bit pink in response, not enough for the girl to notice.

"No, but I can't explain it. You seem interesting and I'd like to learn more of your situation. I normally wouldn't like to socialize so much like this, but this is a special occasion. You are a mystery and i'd like to learn more. Is there anything else you could tell me?"

"Not really, all I know is I woke up as an icicle. Although, I did feel a little guilty. I'm not sure why."

"Perhaps it'd have to do with why you were in Dragonspine. I think this is a good sign, if you feel guilty then maybe there's hope your memory will come back."

"Hopefully... Hey, will you show me some of your sketches?"

"Yes, but didn't you see the ones from our trip here?"

"Yeah, but I'd like to see some old ones I haven't seen yet. You draw beautifully, I'm jealous."

Albedo gives his sketchbook to the girl he just named Cecilia. He had nothing to hide, it was full of sketches of hilichurls and landscapes. She must have known that already. It also contained some of the stuff he had researched at some point.

While flipping through the pages, the girl dared not tear her eyes from the book while she asked a question, "what is it that you do? Other than sketching."

"I'm the chief alchemist of the knights of Favonious. I spend a lot of time researching. The time not spent researching or sketching is spent with Klee."

"Oh cool so you must be super smart, right? Alchemy looks hard but it seems pretty cool."

"It's really not hard at all, I can show you if you wish."

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