new clothes

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While shopping, Amber talked with Cecilia as much as she could. She wanted her to be comfortable. Not to mention, she was curious as to why Albedo was staying by her side. He had mentioned she'd found a place to stay? She wondered, could it be with him? It seemed so unlikely. Her only viable explanation was that he wanted to research her. That also confused Amber. Afterall, all she had was amnesia. This was more of a medical issue than what he'd be interested in. Alchemy can be quite helpful even with these sorts of things. So maybe he IS researching afterall? To help?

Amber wanted to believe that he was interested in the girl for reasons other than research and the like. So drowned out by her thoughts, Amber realized something new. What should she be referring to her as? She didn't remember her own name so she needs a nickname.

"Hey, since you don't remember your name. What should I be referring to you as?" Amber asked as they sifted through clothes.

"Cecilia, please. The lovely flower that grows on Starsnatch Cliff."

"Oh, you know of that? Did Albedo tell you about it?"

"Well, yes. I know nothing of Monstadt. I couldn't help but ask questions."

"I've heard Cecilia is Albedo's favorite flower."

"Oh yes, Klee told me it was. Albedo was the one who gave me the name."

"Oh?" Amber smiled, maybe there was something else afterall.

Cecilia pulls something out, "I think this looks nice! What do you think, Amber?"

"Yes, it looks so good, maybe if you paired it with this too it'll look even better."

Cecilia tries on her new outfit, after seeing herself in a mirror she can't help but gasp. Amber looks rather pleased, as well. "This is perfect!" exclaimed Cecilia.

"I knew it'd look good. It suits you so well too!"

Amber pays for the clothes and excitedly, Cecilia wears them out. She seemed like a child, so easily excitable. She should have been rather unhappy, considering her situation. Yet, with everyone being so kind to her she couldn't help but feel happy. As though nothing wrong had ever happened. She was excited to show off her new outfit to Albedo, as well. She didn't know where he was but she needed to find him. If she was to be staying with him in the extra room, she needed to know where he lived to begin with.

"Amber, do you know where Albedo went?"

"Knowing him, he must have gone up to his workshop. He never stops working it's insane. Would you like me to take you there?"

"If it isn't too much of a hassle."

"Of course not! I'm here to help you."

"Thank you so much, Amber. If it's okay with you I hope we can be friends."

"Awe! Obviously, it's ok with me! Let's go, Albedo's workshop should be over this way."

The way over was far too short in both of the girls opinions. They talked and laughed the whole time. Cecilia had forgotten all about her amnesia, isn't that ironic? It truly felt like she belonged here. Like this was her place in the world. Still, she was happy when they arrived at the door. Amber knocked first before opening. Inside Sucrose was waiting with Albedo.

"There you are! I came back from Dragonspine to see how you were doing."

Albedo hadn't noticed they'd entered the room until Sucrose spoke. He turned away from the bookshelf and went to greet them before suddenly stopping. He'd noticed Cecilia's new outfit and was taken aback by how well it suited her. He was wide-eyed for a second, much to Amber and Sucrose's surprise. Amber could tell why this was, it only furthur proved her theory.

"Hey, Sucrose! Amber took me clothes shopping. Doesn't the new outfit look just lovely?"

Sucrose giggled, "yes, it looks lovely on you."

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