interests piqued

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"I can show you if you wish. I taught Sucrose and Timaeus."

"No thank you, I may not remember much about myself but I do know I'm not the smartest person. It'd probably be a pain to teach me. Besides, you're doing enough for me already."

"Nonsense, I'd like to learn more about your current situation. Teaching you alchemy will just give me more chances to research you. You can join me when I go off to sketch as well."

She sinks her head into her shoulders and narrows her eyes. "Research me? Like I'm an object?"

Albedo is taken aback by her words and waves his arms, "no, no I don't mean it like that. I just mean I'd like to learn more about why your memory is gone or why you were in Dragonspine. Not to mention your odd clothing, you're not from here."

"Oh I hadn't noticed, no one here dresses the way I do. Why has no one mentioned it to me yet. I stick out like a sore thumb."

"Perhaps we can find you a change of clothes. Afterall, the clothing you wear now were soiled while you were in Dragonspine."

Distracted by the conversation, the girl hadnt noticed what was drawn on the page. Albedo takes notice and quickly takes back the sketchbook.
"H-here let me take that back. I'll show you what the Cecilia flower looks like. You've probably seen it in here but didn't realize it."

He quickly sketches a single Cecilia on a blank page. And shows it to her.

"If its alright with you how about we continue to call you Cecilia until we learn your real name?"

"It is a beautiful flower. I suppose its fine. I mean, what else are we supposed to call me?" She chuckles

Cecilia she thinks to herself. His favorite flower, he calls it beautiful. He says it suits me. Oh dear, I think I'm falling in love. Even if im imagining things, he's so beautiful. Just like a porcelain doll. I'll allow myself to pretend. The girl blushes and giggles silently to herself.

On the other hand, Albedo cant seem to understand the way he behaves with this girl. Socializing is such an unnecessary task. It takes away time from researching. The task of maintaining relationships is one he didn't feel the need to trouble himself with. He continues to fool himself. It's only for research. However, a part of him is excited to teach this girl alchemy, in order to have her closer to him.

The pages he hid from her. Earlier, on one of the breaks outside Mondstadt. While she had gone to explore and make flower crowns. He sketched her. He found her truly beautiful as she braided the flowers together. The way she looked at anything and everything with curiosity. It piqued Albedo's interest in a way nothing else had. He sketched her. More than once. It was all his hand yearned to do. Those were the pages he hid from the girl.

The girl he named Cecilia.

A Wish Granted (AlbedoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now