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He turned around from where he stood to look the girl in the eyes.

"Well, well, well, look who's here. Here to take me up on that date, I hope?"

"Actually, I am. I'm free now if you are."

"Oho? Then I'll take you out to eat now, princess."

Meanwhile, Albedo sat alone at his desk. A pencil in hand, trying to bring himself to sketch something. Anything. Head rested on his hand, he sighs. Sucrose enters, "Mr. Albedo? You're meant to be on vacation."

"Yes, I needed to speak with you."


"I need to know what to do right now. I'm incredibly confused. I think I have feelings for Cecilia."

"Oh, yes. Are you just now noticing this?"

"No, but I'm just now understanding that it's become a distraction. She's going on a date with Sir Kaeya and my chest feels incredibly hollow. I don't know what to do."

"With Sir Kaeya? I was sure she didn't like him."

"That's what I thought, as well. And yet she is having lunch with him." He pauses as he goes to stare out a window. "Sucrose, what am I meant to do? I know nothing of romantic relationships."

"Why don't you tell her how you feel?"

"I.... can't do that." Albedo takes a deep breath and walks to the door. "It's just something I needed to get off my chest."

"Mr. Albedo..."

"Don't worry, Sucrose. I'll be off now."

Albedo went straight home and sat awaiting Cecilia's arrival. Until then, Cecilia ate lunch with Kaeya. It was rather... awkward. To say the least. It'd been a while since she spoke to someone with romantic intent. Especially since she spent so much time arguing with Kaeya; she wasn't sure what to say.

Kaeya, on the other hand, was a chatterbox. As awkward as she felt, she was content with listening. He spoke of the Knights of Favonious, complained about Diluc, and made horrible jokes. As the lunch date came to an end; Cecilia spoke, "this was nice we should do it again."

"Definitely, princess. I'll walk you home."

"Such a gentleman."

Kaeya held out his arm and she took it. She felt so small next to the tall man. It was enjoyable and yet... not quite. She wanted to be attached to the arm of someone smaller. But this was fine for now. Eventually, after some calm walking they made it to Albedo's home.

"Perhaps, next time I can take you out for a drink?"

"I've never had more than a sip of anything alcoholic."

"Well, I am quite the drinker so I'll be seeing you at the tavern next time."

"Sounds like a plan, see you then."

Cecilia watched as Kaeya walked away. As soon as he was out of sight she opened the door and found Albedo reading a book in an arm chair. He seemed a bit solemn but she figured she was imagining it.

"Hey, Albedo. I'm back. What are you reading?"

"Hm? Welcome back, it's just a book from Liyue. How was your date?"

"It was alright. There's plans for a second date. Have you eaten anything?"

"I was hoping to finish this chapter before I ate."

"Okay, you do that. I'll prepare something for you."

Albedo sighs and shuts his book, "you do all the cooking lately just give me a turn."

"I told you I was gonna help you get rest! That includes doing all the tiny stuff for you. Besides, I like cooking."

"At least let me help."

"Fine. Where has Klee been?"

"I believe she might be with Razor today." He answered as he followed her into the kitchen. "What are you making?"

"How about hm..... spaghetti? Whatever you want; you're the one eating."

"Spaghetti is fine."

"Then get me some pasta, boy."

She went straight to work and began prepping to cook.

(I turned the Albedo model into a catboy)

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