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"No need, I'm curious as to how this odd situation will turn out."


The walk to Mondstadt was long, they told her it was close and yet her legs could barely make the trip. Thankfully, Albedo took frequent breaks in order to sketch. His subject being the landscape or whatever creature piqued his interest. During this break the girl would wander, of course not more than 5 feet from Albedo. She picked flowers and made them into crowns. She thought to herself, these crowns would look lovely in Albedo's hair. She wouldn't dare lay one on his head however. The boy seemed odd. She was unaware of what his temper might be like. Would he be easily agitated or okay with whatever? She dared not ask, she would hate to interrupt his sketching. He sketched beautifully. Her own hands ached to sketch themselves, inspired by his own works of art. She refrained herself, her sketches would only lead to disappointment when compared to Albedo's works.

Finally, they reached a city with walls built around it. It seemed lively inside. She was excited to enter for more reasons than one.

"Here we are, Mondstadt. The city of wind and freedom."

The girl giggled, "the city of freedom but they've built a wall around it? Isn't that ironic."

The boy smiled and looked up at the walls, "I suppose it is. Come now, Barbara should be able to help with your condition."

They entered the walls. The girl looked around excitedly. What a lovely place! She hoped she could stay. If only she knew where she was from. She hoped she was from this place. She looked for missing persons posters, if she was from here surely someone would be missing her? But all she saw were old and forgotten posters of a blond haired girl. After looking at her reflection in a window, it didn't fit her description. After some walking, and stair climbing. They reached the Cathedral where Barbara was.

"I'm looking for Barbara, is she around?" Albedo asked a nearby bystander.

"Yes, she should be inside, you should see her right away."

They entered the cathedral. She gazed in awe, the inside was beautiful. The way the sunlight shone through the windows was really something. It was a sight to behold. They made their way further inside to meet with Barbara, a young girl with lovely pigtails.

"Ah, hello, it's been a while since you've been in Mondstadt, how can I assist you?"

"Well, I come to drop off this girl I found in Dragonspine. She seems to be suffering from amnesia."

"Oh my! I'll see how I can help," she turned to look at the girl, "what is your name?"

"Oh I um... I dont know it"

"How horrible, thank you for bringing her to me, Mr. Albedo. Please come this way, miss."

After a long interview, Barbara finally came to a conclusion, or lack therefore of.

"There doesn't seem to be any injury to the head, and you don't seem to be suffering from a stroke. Tell me, do you drink?"

"I dont think so but I cant remember anything so I could be wrong."

"I thought so, you dont seem to be drunk. Hm, tell me do you have a place to stay?"

"Erm, no. I'm not even sure where I'm from let alone know anyone."

"Perhaps acting grandmaster Jean can help. Oh, but I'd hate to trouble her with this. And I highly doubt Mr. Albedo would be willing to help." Barbara contemplates. "If you can find someplace to stay I'd recommend writing things down, it may help regain your memory."

"I hope so."

Finding a place would be hard but she was hopeful.

(Added a cool MMD video for you guys c:)

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