💙Chapter 7💙

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An elephant that kills a rat is not a hero.
~African proverb

"Luna!" Screamed my usual alarm clock. I did not feel like going to school at all. It was the first time in my life that I ever felt what heartbreak feels like. I could not even be as active as I normally am.

I stayed in my room for quite a long time until my mother came in without knocking.

"Luna, is there a problem? You're  not even dressed up for school."

"Mom, I think I am sick. I will just go tomorrow." I said in a whispery voice.

"Luna, I know you, whenever something is troubling you, you suddenly get unwell. Can you please tell me? I am your mother after all." My mom insisted.

Honestly, I did not know if I should tell her or not because I had no idea of how she would respond to my strange feelings.

"Mom, remember that guy I am working with---"

"The one who you have been assigned to keep a fake baby. What's his name again? Tristan yeah... Tristan what about him?" My mother chimed in.

" I think I have developed feelings for him."

"What!? I really have nothing to say, sweetheart, I mean you sure you like-like him?" My mom said with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, mom. Apparently, when I saw him kiss his girlfriend, I could not believe my response. I started to tear up mom ---to tear up! It really isn't like me."

"True, it is nothing like you at all. You must really like him. But how? I mean it's only been two days."

"I know right mom! I thought it's only guys that fall in love in 0.8 seconds now what's happening to me? Look at me mom I look and feel terrible !"

"My child don't feel bad, don't allow a boy to get to your head. Just prepare yourself."

"Easy for you to say, you have never felt this way!"

"Child, remember that I have lived longer than you have ever lived." She said angrily ." I have felt how you felt several times actually. The first guy I loved, I developed feelings for him the minute I saw him and then the next minute I saw him with another girl. It really hurt  me you just  have no idea; you even handled this better."

I raised a brow at my mom. I could not believe the words she had just spoken to me. First of all, dad wasn't her first love, and secondly, she did not criticize me for my weird feelings.

"Now, I am starting to see where I get these strange genes of falling in love quickly," I said jokingly.

"Why, you just brought this on yourself, it has nothing to do with me." She replied laughing.

We began to laugh for a long time almost making me forget about how I felt at that point.

"Mom, what should I do though?"I asked, interrupting our laughter.

"Nothing. Just be you, if he won't like you too then forget about him."

Honestly, I was really liking that side of mom. She started to sound like any one of my friends. I could totally relate to her.

"Oh, I guess so. Thanks, mom, I feel so much better, let me go and prepare myself ." I said, giving her a big hug.

"What are moms for?"

I immediately took a shower and dressed up like I normally do. This time I decided to put on a plain pink dress with plain pink shoes. It was never like me to wear loud colors so that dress made me feel comfortable.

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