💙Chapter 22💙

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Words are sweet but they never take the place of food.
~African proverb.

For the first time, I felt nervous to approach Xavier. I wondered how I was going to tell him that I was ending the fake relationship.

I wondered if it would be wise considering that he actually liked me.

"Hey... Xa... Xavier." I stuttered when I looked at him. He smiled at me and the innocent grin on his face made me feel even more nervous.

"Hey, Luna." He replied hugging me. I hated that he was making it hard for me to dump him.

"I missed you. You look nice. By the way, what time will we talk?" He said hastily. He too seemed nervous.

"Thanks...We can talk after school. You should meet me at the football pitch."

He nodded his head and continued to walk me to class.

On our way, we moved in complete silence. I never thought kissing would make us feel that awkward around each other.

When we were near my class he waved bye to me and then we parted ways.

I don't know why, but I hated it whenever he would leave me. I really enjoyed his company but I couldn't keep playing with him now that I knew he had feelings for me.

I almost entered my classroom when I heard someone call me.

I turned my head to the side and noticed pearl running towards me.

My face scrunched up as I wondered what she wanted to talk to me about. It seemed really urgent because she came running to me.

"I am so sorry to disturb you. I want to talk to you. Can we talk for a few minutes before classes start?" Pearl said staring down at her hands.

"Sure." I crossed my arms. Even though I agreed to talk to her I still felt some sort of hatred in my heart as I gazed at her and I failed to hide my anger.

"I am sorry for everything, Luna." She said keeping her head down.

"Sorry for what exactly?" I clenched my jaw. I had to pretend not to know what she did to make her admit it herself.

"I was the one responsible for the incident where you fought with Kassy. I sent Kassy a picture of you with Tristan. I should not have done that." She replied staring down at her feet.

This was my opportunity to express the anger I kept inside.

"Why did you do that?" I raised my voice at her. I was enjoying pretending not to know everything that happened.

"I did it because I have always liked Tristan and for some reason seeing him with you made me jealous and I just wanted to end it all. "She lifted her head." I am sorry for letting a guy come between our friendship. I just hope you can forgive me."

I stared at her and her face showed so much genuineness. I could not forgive her that easily but I did not want her to keep feeling guilty for her actions.

"I am very upset with you for your betrayal but I appreciate that you asked for forgiveness. I guess you can go to class, thanks for telling me the truth." I hated her for what she did but her apology seemed to wipe off my hatred for her.

She nodded her head and lifted her glasses slightly, "I will make it up to you Luna. I am really sorry and I wish I could prove it in a better way. Anyways, see you later."

I watched her walk away from me and then I entered my classroom.

🖤Being Black🖤

After so many boring lessons, I was happy to hear the siren ring which made me realize that it was the right time to go to the football pitch.

I walked slowly and found Xavier standing at a distance from me. When he caught sight of me he smiled and waited for me to approach him.

"Hey," I said breaking the silence between us.

"Hey," he replied rubbing his left arm.

I wondered what to say next and I was ready to say it to him when he interrupted me.

"Luna," he grabbed both my hands into his palms." I need to tell you something."

I wondered what he wanted to say to me and I looked into his green eyes in search of an answer.

He stared at me without saying anything and I wondered why he did not just say what he wanted to say right away.

We gawked at each other for a while until Xavier broke the eye contact." I like you, Luna. "

That was what he wanted to say?

I panicked at his honesty. That was a very bold move. I never expected him to tell me that at that time.

My heartbeat increased as I failed to find something to answer him. I wanted to end the fake relationship before he could admit his feelings but now I was too late.

"What makes you think so?" I replied after my brain came up with an excuse.

He lowered his head and eyed our intertwined arms." I remember when you walked into this school. You caught my attention immediately because it was my first time seeing a black pupil in this school. Everything about you was fun to watch.  You seemed not to know what you were doing and you walked shyly because of how uncomfortable you were. When you approached Kassy I felt pity for you  but I was too shy to help you." He paused and laughed to himself.

"Then what?" I was curious about how he was stalking me.

"Ever since that day, I took an interest in you. I know others consider it stalking but I would rather call it being interested in someone." He laughed and I laughed as well." I loved everything about you. You are so confident, smart, and funny. Oh, I almost forgot; very beautiful too. I sometimes stare at you a lot when you are not looking."

I grinned at his compliment subconsciously.

"So when Tristan rejected you..." He paused and laughed." I know it's weird I stalked you that much but it was for a good reason because it allowed me to talk to you."

I eyed him with a grin on my face. I never thought he liked me that badly that he was up to date with my life.

I kept quiet, hoping he would say more as I was exploding inside from his previous compliments.

"Luna," he said breaking the silence." I really like you and I want you to give me a chance. That is why I want to request something from you."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What?"

"Would you please go on a date with me even once?" He pouted his lips and made puppy eyes.

A date?

I had never been on a date but I always wanted to go on one.

"I want us to go to an amusement park," I answered confirming to him that I would love to go on a date with him.

"Yes!" He suddenly mumbled." But why an amusement park?"

"You will find out tomorrow." I said, making his eyes widen when he realized I wanted to have the date immediately.

"Oh, tomorrow is Saturday. Okay, I will pick you up at three." He grinned widely.

I laughed at how happy he was and pulled him into my embrace.

" Bye, Xavier. I will text you my address so you can pick me up." I whispered into his ear.

"Okay, I am seriously looking forward to this." He immediately broke away from the hug and maintained the grin on his face.

I don't know why but I felt excited too.

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