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©All Rights Reserved for 'Millicent' The storyline and contents inside this story are ALL my own original thoughts and works that came from nothing other than my very own imagination. Please do not copy! Thank you all for reading!

*Warning* In this book, there are scenes and mention of sexual abuse in italics. These are issues that still go on in today's society and is never okay! To any and all victims out there, you are heard, you are loved, and you aren't alone.

There isn't really much to say about how I got to where I am now, I mean, there is but it's nothing that everyone doesn't already know. I am an aeteri, I was in an institute on Vinco Island. There was training, there was the den, there were beatings, there was sexual abuse, there was bloodshed, there was chaos, there were werewolves, there was an explosion, and finally. . .

There was freedom.

I was freed, twice. I am free but as I said, it's nothing that isn't already known. That was one year ago, the second time I was freed anyway. It was all a blur really. I was locked in my room until I wasn't. We evacuated onto a ship, we were brought to a werewolf pack where there was a choice to either stay or go to a supernatural being sanctuary. I chose neither.

I wanted to be rid of it all, the RA's, the wolves, the aeteri, everything. I didn't want to live as a supernatural anymore, as unbelieving as it sounds. I know I can't just push who I am, what I am aside, but I try every day. I don't want to live as an aeteri anymore because if I do, I have no choice but to remember.

I don't want to remember.

I don't want to remember my kidnapping. I don't want to remember being thrown into the ring, forced to fight and kill my fellow-subjects. I don't want to remember being freed from one institute, only to be re-captured and freed from another. I don't want to remember being punished on a regular basis, or the way they would punish us. Sometimes it was being thrown into the den, the dark cold cave-like room with nothing but your thoughts and hunger to drive you mad, and sometimes, it was being forced to lay in a bed tranquilized and helpless while a warm body did what they wanted with you while their comrades watched and laughed wanting their turn, their fill.

I simply want to forget, that's why I left it all behind.

I left, made my way into the human world, a world I barely remembered even after my memories returned, but I learned. I adapted, blended in with those around me, living my day to day life with my skills and an unused ability. I don't mind, not at all. This is the life I chose for myself because after all, I do have a choice now.

It's common knowledge that after enduring such horrors there is bound to be nightmares, panic attacks, times of feeling useless, of feeling like a nobody, but I push through all that pain using the training I received during my time in captivity, it seems to be the only skill I have anymore. Being able to keep going and taking life one step at a time is my new power, my new ability and it's the only one I ever want to use again, though there it is, that word again; want.

I don't want to remember.

I don't want to be what I am.

I don't want to be a part of that world anymore.

But wanting something and getting what you want are two very different things. Unfortunately, we don't all get what we want, do we?

What I want, what I really want is something too big and unattainable for someone like me. Someone who is different, who is fierce, strong in ways that are unimaginable to ignorant minds, someone who is broken but trying, who has dreams and longings but refrains from pursuing, who gives all she has every day because if I don't all hell could break loose, someone untouchable and what is it that I want?

What I want is. . .

I stopped myself right there.

It doesn't matter what I want because what I want is something I won't allow anyone to give me, not even myself, so why even bother?


Here is the first look of Untouchable. I hope you all enjoy this book and all it has to offer. Like I said in the beginning, there will be scenes from the main character's past that may make you uncomfortable, but they are necessary to tell her story. If you don't wish to read those parts, skip over the italics.

Hope you liked this first look!

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