Bonus Chapter

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The Future

Charm was absolutely terrified.

It was surreal when she received the call from Nysa who felt the exact moment one of their enemies entered the galaxy, Itri he is called. He has arrived and he's coming for her friend with a vengeance that has all but consumed him. Nysa has told Charm of all her dreams and how Itri haunts most of them, taunting her, reminding the half-blood off-world that her life would be his.

In the weeks that followed, Charm trained harder than ever before, losing hope and losing time.

The young aeterian left home with final good-byes to her parents who were very emotional and devasted once she left. Her mother was more scared than anyone, sobbing and telling Charm how much she loved her, even trying to persuade her to stay though she knew her pleading was pointless.

She arrived at their safe haven with Nysa, Halo, and a few of the others with the aid of Nysa's gifts while the rest of her team arrived by aircraft. It was like a bad dream, playing with her mind shouting at her to wake up but this was very real. She held great fear in her heart not for what is to happen during their fight, but for what she knows about the future.

She didn't mean to stumble across the note, she's sure that her mother hid it for a good reason and couldn't find it in her to be upset with Millicent. She realizes why she hid it from her. The note was very clear in predicting the young girl's death though it didn't mention how. She wouldn't dare tell her team, they'd only worry, especially her mate, Halo.

The mere thought of telling him was terrifying, he was protective enough as it is, his alpha instincts would try and force her to return home, his protectiveness over her was strong just like him, he would do anything to keep her safe which is exactly why she must keep this from him. It feels wrong to not tell him something, but she's only trying to protect him. If he's too busy worrying about her then he's not looking out for himself like he should, like she wanted him to.

"We can do this." He whispered against her lips, holding her close to his chest. He's a little taller than his own father, standing around 6'6, towering over her. Whatever genetics men from Venstri receive that makes them so large, Halo clearly inherited them. She took pride in his muscular build and physical strength, it's what will save him.

"I hope so," Charm cringed at her own deception, knowing very well that if Halo ever learned of her lies, he'd be seething in a wave of terrifying anger. She has seen him mad very few times, but when he is, his Venstrian abilities show themselves and they're both incredible and horrifying.

She isn't scared of Halo, but she hates when he is angry with her. It would break her heart if the last emotion she ever sees on his face is anger.

"Let's go, everyone! We need to form a plan and relocate, this location will only be safe for so long. We only have a few days before we need to tread to the ocean, they'll be waiting for us!" Ara shouted out to everyone, leading us all inside the safe haven.

The group followed Ara, trusting one another deeply knowing they will always protect one another. Charm knows deep down that for her, that protection won't matter but until that time comes, she will do everything she can to make sure her team succeeds.


Fourth Bonus Chapter!

The future is getting more intense. So much is going to go down, I don't know if y'all are ready for it;p

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