Chapter 18

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Karina didn't hesitate any longer, she grabbed my hands, taking me back while I willingly opened my entire mind for the first time since Vinco. . .

"Promise me, that after it's done, if I-"

"No," Sharon interrupted, shaking her head. "Don't talk like this, nothing will happen to you. The new subject, Xenna, she says we will one day be saved."

I shook my head at her wishing she would just listen, "That won't happen for a few more years, Sharon, by then, our memories will be suppressed. They wouldn't dare let us remember, you know this."

Sharon cried softly, "How do you know I'll remember?" She asked.

"You're the telepath that will help Xenna, your mind won't be easily manipulated like the rest of us. You'll remember. We must fight for them, you told me that."

From somewhere in my memories, I heard Karina's voice from the real world, "Deeper, Millicent, I'm still not seeing enough. Reach deeper."

I tried, changing the scene, willing my mind to obey.

I was now back on the hospital bed, though instead of the doctor's usual position between my legs, he was at my bedside, watching me silently while guards at the entrance were yelling at him harshly.

"This wasn't the plan Woodrow. We were supposed to eliminate their kind, not this shit!" He pointed at me, giving me a sinister glare. "Whatever you did worked, and the growth acceleration is horrifying. How is that even possible, it isn't right!"

I wanted to laugh, this guard in particular wouldn't know right from wrong if it bit him in the ass. After the things he's done to me, he should be the last to talk.

"All my tests worked, now we must continue, we must repeat the experiment. This is the only way to win, to eliminate their kind and every other supernatural being out there. This experiment proves it, don't you see?" The doctor asked, caressing my face with his freezing hands. I hated him for what he's done, for what he made us do.

Karina's voice sounded again, "What did he make you do Millicent, I need more."

"I'm trying," I tell her through the fog.

"Try harder, the more you avoid it, the harder it will get to learn."

I inhaled, changing the memory again. . .

This time, not only did the scene change but the atmosphere as well. It was so calm, so right and it scared me. I shouldn't be this at ease or feeling this fuzzy feeling inside but I do and I love it. I can be here forever.

I took off the charm bracelet for the first time since arriving at Vinco. It wasn't like the other institutes where you had to hide your belongings or prey they didn't find them. Vinco was different, the guards didn't take your possessions, they didn't care, so I openly wore the bracelet every day, until now.

The memory was about to change, but Karina interrupted, "No, don't leave, stay there!"


"Trust me, Millicent, stay there." Her voice was very soft when she said it like she would disrupt something with the volume of her voice.

I stayed in the memory, not particularly happy I'll be witnessing the last time I'll probably ever see my bracelet, but stayed regardless.

I smiled as I reached down with the charm bracelet in hand, giggling lightly at the small fist that shot up through the blanket in my lap, practically begging me to put it on. I had to wrap it around a few times for it to stay, but it did and I was glad. With this bracelet, this child now holds my heart and my love forever.

MillicentМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя