Chapter 24

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The next morning, we wasted no time packing back up and heading out to Imperial territory where we are to deliver Titania's note next. We said our good-byes and were on our way. In the car, the atmosphere was a little tense, knowing we were about to interrupt the lives of more people who probably have no idea what's in store.

"What do you know about Titania?" I asked Sharon who sat in the backseat with our daughters.

"Um, not much. I've seen her at the facility a little under a year ago, she was dying due to our atmosphere. Amaya saved her and another off-world, then they left." She shrugged.

"You never spoke to her?"


Titania is not from earth, she is not the one to fear, but something in me is telling me that she plays some kind of part in what is to come. I'm told she is kind and harmless, but her coming here was no coincidence. I kept my thoughts to myself, determined to get the answers once we arrived.

"What are you thinking?" Sterling asked through our link.

"Nothing good," I answered. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, though he didn't say anything else. The ride wasn't that long since Ethereal and Imperial territory are pretty close, it was only a few hours away.

When we arrived, just like at the pack we just visited, people were there waiting for us to arrive. I hope we aren't here long and that Alec will be able to contact Xavier in a timely fashion. The sooner we find him, the sooner we can form some kind of plan for our children, and the sooner we can all get on with our lives, at least until the time comes when they'll play their part.

It felt like deja vu when we all stepped out of the vehicle once more. I've never met Alpha Owen, but I know Sterling has. He is a large man, like most alphas seem to be. He came out to greet us though his mate wasn't at his side, I found it a bit odd. A girl stood slightly behind him, but I knew she wasn't Titania, she must be one of his higher-ranking wolves.

"Welcome." He nodded, his eyes landing on Charm which made his expression soften a bit.

"Owen." Sterling greeted with a nod.

"Titania is inside, she doesn't know of your arrival, I never got the chance to tell her. She's been busy with the twins." Owen tells us.

I was a little surprised. I knew they must have a child or would be expecting one at some point since the notes are all addressed to mothers, but twins? Would both of their children fight? Would her note be about one or both? I was intrigued, but also nervous for Titania along with the rest of us.

"Shall we?" Owen motioned towards the house. We followed closely behind, his pack all bowing their heads in respect.

Inside the home, there was nothing special or out of the ordinary though I wasn't expecting anything unusual. I just thought it may be different since Titania is an alien, or off-world as I'm told they're called. I thought maybe there'd be some kind of decorations or antiques symbolizing her homeworld, but there was nothing.

On the floor, there were a few toys scattered around, some baby things here and there. I heard laughter from upstairs, at the sound, Owen's eyes lit up his infatuation with his family evident. He's happy, that much is clear but he's still on edge. He doesn't know the extent of why we're here, though I'm sure he has an idea.

At a sudden hiss of pain, Owen ran upstairs to see what was happening. We were all immediately on high alert until a nervous laugh sounded and a sigh of relief was heard.

"It's alright Owen, this is normal. With time she'll control it." His mate's voice was soft, understanding. I can only assume she was talking about her baby's powers. We were all listening in, I knew that much, but she only referred to one child. We remained near the threshold of their living room, waiting to be directed to where we need to talk.

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