Chapter 23

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When we left home, everything inside me told me to run, that all of these issues will disappear if I just leave it all behind, but the little girl in the back seat and the man by my side kept me from acting on those selfish thoughts.

That was the old me. The me that didn't care about anything or anyone other than herself. I was changed now that I know the whole truth about my past. I still have nightmares, but nothing I can't handle. Now it's a matter of pushing through and trusting those I love to help me along the way. A difficult task, but I'm trying.

We arrived at Ethereal territory, it was very large and intimidating. There were wolves all around and so many people out going about their day as if there is nothing amiss. Their lives must be simple, perfect even. Men and women smiling and talking amongst themselves all very attractive.

Even after we've been freed, we still have so much to deal with. One very powerful aeteri that is able to see the future has changed all of our lives tremendously in the best and worst ways. Xenna brought us here, she saw a future she knew was able to be saved, or else she wouldn't have bothered interfering in any of our lives, but our future literally is in the hands of our children, our hope for a better world. It's a horrible thought, but there's no going back.

As soon as we stepped out of the vehicles, we were met with greetings, Sterling's people conversing with the Ethereal's. I never thought I'd be here, back in the place we were dropped off when we were freed from Vinco. It's changed since then, but not by much, it was only a year ago.

"Hello." I jumped. I didn't even realize Rowan and her mate were in front of us until it was too late. Seeing her so close is surreal. Her mate was on one side of her, two little girls stood in front and she bounced a baby boy on her hip, he couldn't be more than a few months old.

"Hi," I say, my hands on Charm's shoulders while Sterling's arm was thrown over mine. He and Alpha Alec shook hands.

"What was so urgent? You must have left as soon as we got off the phone." The alpha grinned. None of us smiled though, there was nothing to smile about.

Sharon stepped forward, looking at Rowan, "I'm Sharon, an aeteri from the S.F.S.B. We need to talk, now. We can't waste time."

I don't know if it was how serious Sharon looked or the desperation in her voice, but everyone knew we weren't here to play games. We need to spill everything, then we'll continue to deliver the other notes.

We all walked into the house together, all the girls immediately clicking and running off to play while Rowan handed off her baby to a pack member. We were in Alec's office in no time, Sharon reached into her bag to pull out a note, handing it to Rowan.

After taking it, the Eversor looked at us skeptically before opening the note slowly.

She read it aloud, for all of us to hear.

"Near the sea, their allies wait,

Loss of time will seal their fate,

Led by Ara, they fight with heart,

A great mistake tears them apart."

I was confused, and a little angry. My note literally told me my child would die, while hers tells her that her daughter will lead, not giving way to anything terrifying at all. I would have much preferred her note.

"I don't understand," Rowan muttered, Alec close at her side.

"Have you heard anything about a new generation?" Sharon asked her.

Rowan rolled her eyes, "Of course I have, gotta love Xenna's cryptic predictions."

"Well, she wrote notes to five individuals who so far, all are mothers, or will be," Sharon told her. "The notes are predictions of some fight that's headed our way."

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