Chapter 3

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Once we arrived at the pack, there were many people awaiting our arrival. Sterling told me he mind linked the pack, announcing through the link that he had found his mate and that they were all excited to meet me. Evander told me not to do anything stupid, imagine that, me a twenty-year-old aeterian woman taking orders from a ten-year-old child.

We stepped out of the vehicle but no one approached me, probably due to Sterling warning them of my ability, of what I can do to them if anyone dared to touch me. There was a whole lot of forest, a lot of space in general. I would have taken the time to admire such beautiful nature if not for the many eyes watching my every move which is starting to irritate me.

"The whole pack is here to welcome you. I wanted them to see your face and know who you are immediately. In the event you try and run, they must know who you are." Sterling said, giving me a pointed look.

Who does he think he is, my father?

I shuddered at the very thought, I didn't even want to think of this large, intimidating man as anything more or less than my enemy.

"This is Millicent," He announced, every voice silenced at his authority. "She is your luna, treat her with the greatest respect."

They all bowed their heads, obeying the alpha's orders. Mindless creatures, bending to the will of a single man in fear. No one wishes to be ordered around, they are taught from a young age, that order is what is necessary.

I don't play by the rules, not anymore, with time this alpha will realize that.

The wolves were soon dismissed and now it is just me, Sterling, and Evander. I turned to look at the boy who glanced around his surroundings. It's clear he has been here before, but it must have been some time since then.

"So, what now? Am I to follow you around like a lost puppy with Evander as my tail, or do I get to roam freely?" I asked Sterling, crossing my arms.

He chuckled, "Evander gets to do as he wishes but he will always be nearby, so don't get any bright ideas."

"Wouldn't dream of it." I rolled my eyes. "Okay, well, just so you know, I have work Tuesdays through Fridays and I'm not giving it up."

"I will provide you with everything you'll need." He tells me with a tone of finality. I don't think so.

"Let me rephrase that," I start, moving closer to him. "I will be going to work from Tuesday through Friday. I make my own money and I take care of myself. I'm not some useless woman and you will not treat me as such. I have my own life and I will continue to live it the way that I want to."

Sterling only smiled, moving closer so that his body was merely an inch away from my own, "I am not trying to stop you, but until you can be trusted, you will stay here within these borders. I'm not saying you can't work, if that is truly something you wish to keep doing then I will support you in it. Until I know you won't run though, you will be guarded at all times by my wolves and by Evander."

"So I am a prisoner?"

"No. You are mine and I am yours. I don't want to lose the one who is to make me complete." He said, looking into my eyes with admiration.

I stepped away from him, "I am not some object for you to use for your own completion. I'm a woman, who has fought all her life to stay alive. I don't need you. I won't succumb to this supernatural life, I left that behind."

"And you stepped right back into it the moment I found out you were my mate. Talk back all you want, but this decision is final and I am not letting you go." He said, nodding his head for me to get inside the house that stood in front of us, it must be his.

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