Chapter 26

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I squirmed, my body aching. I groaned softly, thinking the guards are the reason behind my small pain, forgetting that I was freed all but a year ago. My mind panicked. I sat up with a gasp, seeing the body in front of me, momentarily forgetting who it was.

I backed away from the figure, falling off of the bed in the process, the sheets entangled with my legs preventing me from moving properly. I clutched the sheets close to my body, covering myself up while I tried to focus through my foggy vision.

"Hey, it's me."

I was starting to see clearly through my sleepiness, I know that voice, I know who's in front of me. My mate, Sterling.

"It's me." He repeated, watching me worriedly.

I leveled my breathing, calming down. I closed my eyes pressing a palm to my forehead, I must of had a nightmare last night, forgetting my whereabouts. I sighed, shaking my head. Sterling grabbed my face turning it towards his. I opened my teary eyes, breathing an apology.

"Don't be sorry, I'm here." He soothed.

I nodded, "I just forgot, I didn't know-"

He cut me off with a smile, "I understand, I'm not upset."

"I just want to be normal." I muttered.

"Aside from everything we're doing, you are still working through your past and what happened to you. There is no shame in what you're experiencing." He assured me.

I relaxed my hold on the sheets in my hands, leaning into him. He pulled me into his lap, kissing my forehead tenderly. I wrapped my hands around his neck, breathing him in. He is truly amazing.

"Thank you." I tell him.

He chuckled, "There is no reason to thank me. Thank yourself for getting as far as you have, despite what you're struggling with."

I kissed his neck softly, before standing on shaky legs, the bed sheets falling to my feet. I remembered yesterday clearly now, how he took me, the amount of times I let him. Any thoughts of my past escaped my mind, it was just Sterling and I now.

Both of us were naked as the day we were born but it didn't matter, we are completely at ease with one another.

"You woke me up," I reminded him, hoping he'd tell me why.

"Yes, Xavier is in the territory," I sucked in a breath. "He's at Titania and Owen's place, waiting for us."

I rubbed my eyes removing any sleep, "Okay." I went to move past him so I can get ready but his hand clutched my wrist.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked, still a bit on edge from the slight panic I had.

I eased his worries, "Yes, I am. Like you said, I am still working through things. Um. . . just so you're aware," I start, fidgeting on my feet, "T-this probably won't be the last time this happens."

He tilted my chin up, meeting my eyes, "That's okay. I'll be here every time it happens, I'm not going anywhere."

My lips turned up, "I love you."

He answered me with a kiss, pulling me close trying to start something but I grinned, pushing him away.

"Later," I whispered, rushing into the bathroom, pressing my back against the door before he can protest. Despite the way he makes me feel, we have to finish what we came here to do.

Sterling and I stepped into Titania's home, Sharon by our side while Tarana took the kids so we can take care of this privately. It was quiet when we walked inside, but once we entered the living room, everyone we needed was already there, including Xavier who was talking fervently with Titania and Owen.

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