The bad day.

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Henry has been gone filming his latest show for over three weeks. Even though his set is located 3-hour drive away, you couldn't go to see him. Working full time and handling Nathan's primary school, left you with a little time to yourself.

Today you had a particularly shitty day at work. No one knew that you are dating Henry however someone left a newspaper at your desk, opened the page with a picture from Henry's set. On the picture was Henry smiling at the cameraman and at the beautiful mysterious woman. " F***" you thought, you knew that you are going to feel jealous. Seeing your man next to another woman brings you back to the moment when you witnessed your ex kissing his co-worker. You have tried to stop the bad thoughts and carry on with your day.

Unfortunately, after you came back home with Nathan, your little guy had a tantrum because you didn't let him play xbox game, telling you his dad is better because he lets him play all the time. You knew you had enough and once your son falls asleep you poured yourself a glass of wine and had a good cry. It was one of these days where you were questioning yourself are you a good woman, are you a good mum.

It was after midnight. Henry was back from the set. He had a feeling he needs to reach out to you, especially now when the pictures from the set came out. It was a pure promotion of the show, he knew how it works but it was something new to you. He didn't know a lot why your ex has left but he knew the other woman was involved. You were the only one in his heart and he needs to let you know that therefore , he sends you a text.

Henry: I miss you Y/N. Very much. I keep you always in my heart.

You quickly responded to his text very much to his surprise.

Y/N: Thank you Bear, I need this today.

Henry: What's wrong honey? Henry was now concerned.

Y/N: Everything is fine, one of these bad days.

Henry looked at his phone for a minute and had an urge to see you. You were his everything, you were his sunshine, he wanted to comfort his girl. It hit him hard. Was he in love? Most definitely, yes.

It was after 3 am when Cavill opened your door using a speared key you gave him once. Kal went straight to Nathan's room. Henry quietly opened the door to your room, finding you asleep in a cocoon made from blankets. He knows you well to know you are doing this when you feel lonely. Your boyfriend took off his clothes quickly and lied next to you in his boxers. Even though you weren't intimate with each other, you were sleeping in the same bed a few times. Hanry lay down on his side, wrapping his arm protectively around your waist. You moved closer to his chest, making Henry smile. He needed you, you needed him. You were there for each other. Nothing else mattered.  

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