In sickness and in health.

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Warning: angst, infertility, sickness.


Henry has been gone for filming, there were an only couple of scenes he needs to do to finish his latest project. After that you will have him for yourself for a few months.

Since your partner left you didn't sleep well. You were waking up a few times at night, having hot flushes. As you were lacking of sleep, you become grumpy as well. There was a time, at work, after a weekly meeting, you needed to go to your car and scream, because you got annoyed by an email from your manager. It was just too much for you.

Henry could sense, something is up, and ask you to visit him on set. You agreed to see him, and that decision pushed you to speak to your doctor. You didn't want to snap at him for no reason. You tried to call to your medical practice with no luck, it was driving you even more crazy. Furthermore, you left a voice mail to your doctor and was waiting for his opinion.

A day before your trip to Henry's, you step-mother decided to visit you and have a glass of wine. You were chatting, having a nice time then your phone rang. It was a nurse from your medical practice. She announced that you need to do the blood test, but the doctor is certain that you have an early menopause. You were shocked and then you cried. You were hormonal. Your stepmother tried to cheer you up, stay with you that evening, but you assure her you are fine, and then she went home.

This diagnosis made you very sad. You weren't discussing children with Henry yet however, he was mentioning many times he wants to become a father. He was such a good father figure to your son Nathan, he treated him as his own. You pictured him holding a little bundle of joy in the nursery. Your imagination caused even bigger anxiety. You texted Henry you won't be able to go and see him- "something" came up.

You weren't aware but once your stepmother left the house, she called Henry, asking him to come over, as you were in a massive distress. She told him the reason why.

Henry arrived home in the early morning finding you asleep cuddled up to your sleeping son. Henry lifted Nathan, taking him to his room upstairs. Once he was back, he lay down behind you, he wrapped up his strong around, you giving you comfort. You woke up, moved around, holding on to his shirt tightly.

After a while you managed to whisper: "I am sorry"

"None of that, honey. It's not your fault. "Henry kissed your forehead.

You sat up and looked at your man. It hurt you so bad, but you needed to ask him.

"Maybe it's time for you to move on? You can have it all. You can have a child with someone capable of having it. "

Henry looked at you slightly moved by your confession, but he could never be angry at you.

"Honey, I am not going anywhere. You are capable. You are a wonderful mother already. "

You nodded and hugged him tightly. For some reason, you were coming back to the old habit, thinking that Henry could leave you in the same way, as your ex did. Henry is different.

You both managed to get some sleep, however you wake up rushing to the bathroom. You were sick for over two hours. Henry wake up, but before he went to check on you, he called his own doctor and arranged an emergency appointment. He is a simple man, but he knew that it must be something more serious than menopause. Your symptoms were severe. Your dad came to pick up your son and then you and your partner were gone to see the doctor. After a blood tests, you sat on Henry's lap, at the private doctor's practice. You were very weak, Henry was hugging you tightly very worried.

The doctor opened the door and invite you both to the room. Once you both sat down and let the doctor talk.

"Ms Cavill, I have some news ..."

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