Father's visit.

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Henry was nervously shaking his leg while playing with your son Nathan. Today was a day when Henry will meet your father, who decided to visit you last minute. Everyone in your family warn him that you are dating a celebrity therefore your father was overly concerned and wanted to meet "Super Henry."

You were busy in the kitchen, trying to cheer Henry up, telling him Nathan's childhood stories. Your father should arrive any minute, therefore, you decided to bake a cake. Even though Henry was going through these situations so many times, this one was important to him. He really wanted to have your dad's blessing.

While you were cutting the cake off, Henry got up from a chair, walked to you, hugged you from behind while burying his face in your neck. You smiled at this gesture gently stroking his curls.

"Take a deep breath love, you will be fine, dad won't bite you."

"I don't want to screw this up Y/N"

"Whatever he is going to say, I chose you, I am happy with you, and I am going to stay with you. As long as you want me."

You gave him a long kiss.

Henry smiled and hugged you tighter, looking at your blushed cheeks. This perfect moment was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

You quickly run to open the doors, looked at your man to see is he ok. Henry showed you a thumbs up, letting you know he is ready.

"Grandpa!! "Nathan jumped on your dad giving him kisses.

"Hello, little man, I've missed you. I've missed you too sweetie" Your dad kissed your cheeks and followed you to the living room.

"Dad let me introduce you to my boyfriend. This is Henry. Henry this is my dad. "

Henry was surprised and intimidated. He imagined your dad as a well-dressed businessman. Your father was taller than Henry, his arms were full of tattoos, and had a long beard. It looked like he belonged to the Motorcycle Club.

"Nice to meet you, Sir. "Henry shacked your dad's hand feeling a strong grip.

"Likewise, Henry."

Everyone sat down on sofas, having a small talk about what have you been up to. Your dad was looking closely at you and Henry, trying to figure out how close you two are.

"Sweetie, I think it is time for me to talk with Henry. Could you excuse us for a moment? "

You gave your dad a deadly look.

"OK dad, behave." You gave Henry a quick kiss and took a Nathan's to the kitchen.

"I am very protective of my little girl and my grandson, especially now, after this d*** head left her. Tell me, what are your plans, Henry? Why are you with her?" Your dad looked suspiciously at your boyfriend, reading his body language.

"I understand why you are protective Sir. I don't want you to hurt your family and I will do everything in my power to make them feel safe and loved. I am so impressed by Y/N. Furthermore, I can see a future with her. We will be married one day. Of course, I will ask for your permission first. "Henry announced it slowly, with a calm voice, showing your father there is nothing to worry about.

"Time will tell. I can see Y/N same as Nathan are crazy about you. Don't disappoint her. Don't disappoint me. "

With that statement, your dad finished this conversation and called you back into the living room. The rest of the afternoon was full of a laugh and your dad left satisfied, leaving you in good hands.

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