The truth is out.

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The day after you left a court you got a text from your ex-husband announcing he is moving out of town, and he won't be able to visit your son that often. You have worried about how your little man will receive the news, but it seems like your son was expecting this to happen. The same evening, when you read your son the bedtime story you asked him how did he feel about this whole situation. Your six-year-old son told you:" I don't feel sad mommy because Henry is with me and takes care of me, so Henry is my dad." The next day at breakfast, Henry was preparing pancakes and when your son joined you at the table, he hugged Henry and said: "Good morning daddy."

It was the first time when you saw your big, muscular, soft Henry trying to stop his happy tears and continue to eat his food.

When Nathan left the room, Henry tried to kiss you, but you moved and avoid the kiss. Your boyfriend was concerned about why you were so distant lately. He had an idea for a date night.

"Y/N, I have a brilliant idea, Rugby match on Friday night with our friends, and then a little rendez-vous. You and me only."

"Sounds like the perfect plan, handsome." You kissed him, you needed to, he is so irresistible. It's not fair on him to keep him at the distance. You have done nothing wrong. It was Andy Barber who kissed you, no other way around.

When you were lost in your mind and had this conversation with yourself, Henry was telling you what he is planning to cook on Friday, whom to invite, etc. He also mentioned: "I will invite Andy too, he will be happy to join us on Friday. "

"NO! Don't do that Henry! "A squeaky voice left your throat. Henry stopped, surprised at your reaction.

"Why don't you want to invite Andy? He helped us a lot."

"Honey he... Andy kissed me." You looked at the floor, unable to face him.

That's it, you said it. You thought that Henry will shout, leave you, and kick you out of the house. The truth is, it will never happen. Henry wouldn't do that to you. A tear left your eye.

Henry stepped closer and asked you to look at him. Even though you could see a fit of anger and confusion in his eyes he still looked at you with a love. He asked you again with a calm voice.

"What did he do, sweetheart?"

"Andy kissed me when you left us at the parking lot, after the Court. I didn't want this to happen Hen, you are the one I love."

Henry smiled and hugged you. You felt relieved that the secret was out.

"It wasn't your fault, honey. I will speak to him tomorrow. He won't come near you. "

" Don't do that Hen, Andy is a lawyer, after all, I don't want to get you in trouble."

"He kissed what is my, and it is not OK. I love you Y/N, thank you for choosing me. "

Henry kissed you, pouring all of his love to you. In the middle of the night, after hours of lovemaking, Henry left the house and knocked at Andy's door. Your man looked angry and dangerous. Henry was here to fight for his girl. In the back of his head, Cavill was also plotting, how to make you officially his.

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