6 - Barista training☕

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For a minute i actually thought I was going to pass out. What was i thinking? Shouting at strangers at the carpark... infront of my boss! Who is she anyway? How am I supposed to know he is sitting at the passenger seat like a duck while there is big quarrel going on?

This is bad... I stare at him cause i don't know what to say...

The stranger woman break the silence by saying, "Julien, i think we can't discuss our business interests today, as i was humiliated like this for the first time in my life. Maybe you should teach some manners to your employee who didn't know how to respect people... i guess we can talk next time when I'm in a good mood for conversation", with that biting remark she got in the car and drove off.

For about 2 seconds nobody moved, then he moved in my direction like a lion stalking its prey..

Wait... He is not a lion.. he is the Jabberwocky remember? The Red Queen's pet dragon from Alice in Wonderland movie..  Well if he is the Jabberwocky then I'll be Alice in this torture land and I'll slay his arrogance with my mind...

I caught a very slight movement from my boss lips, uttering "My office, NOW!" Then without another word he turned and went inside the building so fast i thought he vanished.
Oh my... What have I done???

Without wasting a second i followed Mr.Javion into the building. Halfway to his cabin he turned towards me and said, "Bring me coffee," and I rushed to the pantry to make his coffee with milk and sugar just the way he asked me that day taking extra care so that the coffee is tasty enough to put him in good mood.

When i enter his cabin, he was sitting behind his table looking right at me. Ohhh oh.. the devil is going to gobble me up...

He looked so handsome in that grey suit. How a man can look that good in anything he wears? His hair was cut and styled to match his face and the stubble make him look extra macho.

Oh my God! What are you thinking?? Stop checking him out!

His eyes never left me as i brought the coffee to his table. I kept my eyes downcast afraid of burning sensation of his cold eyes. I just stand there after i kept his coffee on the table. "I want black coffee," he said looking at the cup i placed on his table.

"But sir, you don't drink black cof..." He cut me off before i could finish my sentence, saying..

"When i ask for black, you will bring black. No questions asked. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" i sighed heavily and got out of his cabin with the coffee cup. I returned with plain black coffee. He was working on his laptop and didn't spare me a glance.

"Did you add sugar?"

"No, sir."

"Make another coffee... And i want it sweetened."

"Okey sir, i can just add sugar in it.."

"No. I want you to make another coffee with sugar. This is not hot enough."

"Yes, sir."

I went fuming to the pantry and made another coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar.

After 1 hour.....

This day couldn't get any worst. I was continuously going back and forth between cabin and pantry with a stupid cup of coffee in my hand.

After tenth time of making coffee...

He is doing this on purpose... He is driving me CRAZY.. Irritating jerk! Stupid jerk! Annoying jerk!

I can't believe this. This is the tenth time im making coffee for him. He is making me to redo every coffee with annoying excuses..

"Not enough sugar.."
"Too sweet.."
"Not enough coffee.."
"Too bitter and less sweet.."
" Not hot enough.."
"Too hot it's going to burn my throat!"
"Changed my mind, Add milk and sugar.."
"Too milky.."
"I want it to taste like the other day.."

Him and his god damn excuses!

If he complained one more time I'm going to throw his coffee and this job on his face.. i don't even care if those eyes get burnt..

Hmmm.. well not those eyes. But definitely that strong jaw...high cheek bones... pink lips and silky smooth dark brown hair......

Wait! What ??? What is wrong with me.. I'm cursing him not complementing him... He is ugly remember? First impressions are the best...  I am sooo angry with him.. I don't care if he look striking handsome in those stunning grey suit...and i will throw the damn hot, milky, sweetened coffee in his face if necessary!

With those murderous thoughts i went to his cabin...

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