17 - Married?👰

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It usually takes 40 minutes to reach my work place but today i arrived in 20 minutes. Twice faster than usual because firstly i got to escape the heavy traffic and secondly because I'm fast. Like really fast when riding a motorcycle. That's why my parents are hesitant to let me ride to pretty much anywhere. I don't know why but when I'm driving overspeed is something that i can't handle maybe due to the confined space of the car... I'm not sure... But when it come to riding, I'm the boss; I'm always in control. It's like I'm a free bird ready to fly and conquer the world. I'm exaggerating... I know... The thing is i love riding.. that's all.

People at the office were giving me weird looks and some were openly gawking at me. I know i look like a movie star who just got back from a long journey or a gorilla from king kong movie. My curl hair was a mess from wind and helmet usage. I went to the washroom, took off my jacket, adjusted my hair, reapplied some makeup and boom! I'm ready...

I started to work after settling in my cabin when Lolli appeared out of nowhere. She was breathing very fast and i guess she ran from her place to tell me something.

Duh... Gossips for sure..

Nothing escapes my pretty little friend's ears. I'm don't usually engage in gossiping, i mean i already have enough on my plate to care about other people's life but with Lolli i will do pretty much anything. So i was waiting for her to catch her breath and proclaim the gossip of the day.

"Good morning honey boo... So.... what's up?"

"You won't believe this Elf.. Oh my God... I'm going to faint..."

"Woah.. Lolli relax and sit down before you actually faint... take a deep breath...let it out.. now tel...."

"He is married!" She shrieked suddenly cutting me off.

"Who?" I raised my right eyebrow at her inquiring.

"The boss... Our boss.. Mr. J..Jovian.."

"What?" Now I shrieked in shock.

"Yeah... The news broke out today. They said he was married yesterday with his business associate."

"But that's impossible... He was with me yesterday.. he dropped me off at my home. There is nothing that in his behaviour or speech yesterday that showed that he was getting married. Are you sure it's him? I mean does he have a brother or cousin? It could be other Mr. Jovian..."

"Grae.. do you think i could mistaken him with others? How many Jovians are there with the first name Julien and working at D'Jubilant?"

"Yeah.. you are probably right.... So who is this mystery woman he married out of the blue?"

"Oh that is still a mystery. Nobody knows who she is, what she look like, or even her name."

"Lolli, it could be a rumour. I mean think about it. How come the business tycoon weds an unknown woman out of nowhere? Something doesn't add up...."

Our conversation was interrupted by my phone ringtone. I took my phone from my pocket and was surprised to see 'J.J.Jabberwocky' calling... Yeah that's how i saved his name in my contacts with a fire splitting dragon image as a background picture.

Think of the devil...

"Yes Sir..."

"Come to my office." He hung up without another word.

"I have to go.. See you later Lolli."

I rushed to his cabin and saw him staring straight ahead at me. Not looking at his laptop, not writing nor on the phone... That's unusual.. it's like he is waiting for me.. and for what??? Hmmmmm.. let's find out...

He is not frowning, not glaring, non of his usual stares... He seemed to be preoccupied also he was gazing at me differently like he is looking for something? He was leaning against his chair, his right angle over his left knee, his left hand on left leg and his right hand fingers gently rubbing his stubble while slightly supporting his strong jaw. He is observing everything, my top to bottom, my gait, particularly my face when as walked nearing his table.

He is curious... But about what? Me?

"You okay?" I wasn't expecting that from him... What did mean by that? I was standing right infornt of him holding my notes in case if he wanted to give dictations.

"Yeah.. I'm good... Ahhh.. You okay..sir?" I asked after a slight hesitation.

He narrowed his eyes watching me as if he was trying to unravel the truth from my eyes. I returned his stare for about 5 seconds and cleared my throat breaking the eye contact because this is becaming awkward and... disturbing.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yeah... Did you heard the news?"

"That you are married? Right after dropping me off at my home?"


"So, you are not married?" I asked him hopefully... What? No.. i asked him out of curiosity that's all.


"Hmm.. i knew that was a rumour. Why would people do that? Giving false news like that, and all for what? Entertainment? You don't even have a bride yet in the first place.. and the.."

"Actually.. i do have a bride.." he interrupted me.

"You do?" My voice subdued.

"Ahhhhh... Yeah... In fact we just got engaged yesterday."

"But that's impossible. We were together..
(he raised his eyebrow) I mean you know we were having dinner together.." i mumbled.

"Anything is possible, Miss Emerson." He is smirking annoyingly.

The Jerk

"Hmmmm.. she is someone special then?" I asked without showing any emotions.

"Ohh... i met her few days ago but i feel like I've always known her. Like i already lived a life with her. The moment i saw her i felt something was not right. Then i realized that I don't hate her as i want her to believe but it's quite the opposite..... An instant spark i guess. She is not epitome of beauty but to me everything about her are special but she is an imbecile, often have no idea of whom or what she was talking about and lives in her world not caring about other facts. Maybe that's what attracted me to her."

Wow! Since when did he learn to talk like that. I thought he could barely open his mouth even to eat...

Stupid! How will he eat then? Through his nose?

Arrggghhh.. I don't mean it like that... He always use monosyllables.

Eve you are an idiot! Concentrate.. he is telling you that he is getting married..

What should I do?

Marry him..


No stupid congratulate him...

Ohh! Yeah right..

"Well congratulations sir on your engagement...Who is the lucky woman?"


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