27 - Confrontation & Compromise 🫱🫲

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I entered my cabin and noted a bouquet of red roses on my table with a yellow folded letter. Thinning my lips i opened the letter because i know what's inside and who is it from.

Roses are red,
But sometimes they're white,
Especially in winter,
When the snow's in sight!

So cherish the beauty,
Of roses so bright,
Whether red or white,
They're a lovely sight!


Josh my ass....

He is being sneaky about using his actual name like Julien, Jovian, JJJ or even J because he don't want anyone to find out that he is sending me flowers and the name Josh seem to do the trick. I want to keep it this way too. We are not sure where we stand at this point so it's better to keep it a secret at least for now. I hope he don't want to have any cheap affairs with me because I'll kill him if that's what on his mind.

It has been like this since that incident in the pantry which was almost 2 weeks ago. Julien will send me flowers with silly poems he found from chatgpt every day. He is relentless. Every morning i come to work I'll find various flower bouquet from sunflowers, turnips, lilies, daisies, orchids and today he chose roses.

So typical... What a waste of flowers...

Don't get me wrong i love flowers but i personally think it's a waste on bouquets. And i know he is trying to apologise for a long time but sadly it's not working and I can feel that he is getting impatient with my ignorance to all his attempts. I still talk with him though as I'm still working for him but it's strictly professional. Sometimes he tried to goad me into fighting with him but I'll either ignore that or change topic. And he didn't asked me for coffee after that day.

I guess this is what we should do to stop bosses from pestering us for coffee...

I put the flowers at a corner and started my usual work routine. Oh yeah and i managed to explain to Louella what happened that day. At first she was sceptical but she knows i wouldn't lie to her so we are good. I was rearranging client meetings for tomorrow which is going to be a very busy day and Lou entered.

"Hey.." she said a bit hesitantly.

"Hey lollipop, come in!" I said enthusiastically. I'll always be excited to see her.

"So, ahh... Is all good between you and the boss?" She asked excitedly and my excitement died after that question. I have been avoiding discussing him with Lolli after our initial argument that day. But why is she bringing him up and why do i feel like there is something hiding under all that excitement?

"It's good. I'm doing my job as I'm obligated to." I said in not so friendly manner.

"And the beautiful flowers? Were they from him?" Lolli's voice still hesitant as if she knows I'll irritated by this topic.

"Yeah, but i don't see why he wanted to waste such beautiful flowers.."

"Gracey please, can't you see? He is trying to apologise.."

"Enough Lolli, you know what he did and yet you support him?" I'm angry now.

"Fine, if what he did is so bad why can't we just do a police report on him for sexual harassment?"

"Whaaattt?" I blinked at her my voice low.

"Yeah, a guy like him needs to be punished right. Why don't we put him behind bars and let him rot in jail as long as he live?" Lolli is shouting in her own way at this point.

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