24 - How to ❤️‍🔥 Mr. J - part II

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In life we will meet a lot of people. Some we love, some we hate and some we don't feel anything at all. But there will be at least one person that will bring out the worst in you that we never want to see them again. Like ever. Well this was that person for me. Remember that "tauhu kering face" who bumped my car few days ago. It was her. And she was holding his hand. The guy who asked me to be his fucking girlfriend just fucking yesterday...

What the!

"I cannot thank you enough for what you did for my brother Julian. He was so happy he got into that company that he was trying for 2 years..." She is holding his hand with both her hands closely to her breasts and watching him adoringly. This doesn't look like someone who is grateful for a help. Even 2 year old toddler can see what she is doing. The only consolation was Julien is giving her a bored look.

"Ehmmm..." I made my presence known.

Both of them turned to look at me. Hers suprised, his changing from bored inpatient to intriguing like he is expecting some interesting reaction from me.

I just raised my right brow at him.

"Miss Emerson, can you get us some coffee? The usual." Then he turned toward her and resumed the conversation once he understood that I'm not going to react as he expects.

"I'll inform Miss Potts." I turned.

"No. I want you to make. Don't you think our guest here need to taste your skills hmmmm?" He asked challengingly.

He knows he is pushing it. But him being fucking him he will continue this bullshit.

"By the way let me introduce Miss Thanya Brynn my business associate. Thanya you have met my secretary Miss Grace Emerson."

"Nice to meet you Miss Brynn." After a polite handshake i left to make his goddamn coffee.

I may have looked completely calm and collected but inside im fuming. Im feeling like a volcano about to erupt. I feel like smoke coming out of my ears.

He is doing this on purpose. He just proposed to me... well... Kind ah propose... Hmmmm okay fine.. he asked me to be his girlfriend and now he let her to hold his hand and she is holding his hand close to her fucking breasts. Dont he know this is inappropriate even when he is not committed...

I don't care anymore. Fuck them. Maybe just for one second, just one second I could say this is totally innocent but he called me on purpose so that I'll see that and get jealous. But I'm not jealous, I'm fucking furious. I'm gonna kill him. Who he thinks he is? To play me like that!

I need revenge. I know its bad thought but it is what i want, so its good and sweet... Or... in this case, lets just say.... (my eyes fell on salt shaker in pantry) SALTY...


I know this is stupid, but I couldn't help it. I'm stupid... Well sometimes... When I'm annoyed especially....And im annoyed alright. Very annoyed. Super annoyed... And when im super annoyed ill make sure my damnest that the person responsible will feel the same...
So i brought the coffee for them. With a evil smile and my imaginary red devil horns growing on my head.

Since the minute i entered the cabin, Mr J was giving me some kind of odd stare. He knew that I'll retaliate so his eyes following every one of my movements. Like eagle following it's prey, those eyes never left mine even though he is still discussing some business. I can feel that he still wants my reaction to what is happening but he is cautious that i may act in some other way that may ruin their business or worst her dress.

Hmm..dont worry Mr. Jabberwocky, i have something even better.

I placed the coffee infront of them and waited there like a innocent doll. Thanya took the coffee cup first and drank the coffee. I was looking at her expectantly. Mr J's eyes haven't left my face even though he knows I'm evading his glance.

After a sip, then a few more sips Thanya put the cup on the tray and said without any reaction,

"Not bad.."

For a millisecond Julien's eyes left mine and met Thanya's. Satisfied that i neither destroyed her dress or their business, he took his own cup and brought it to his mouth to taste my *skills*....

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