4 - Let the joust begin⚔️

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I was preoccupied with what happened earlier in my cabin that I stood clueless to why I was doing in the pantry. Then I remember Mr.. oops Sir.Jerk ordered me to make his coffee. I went to the coffee machine and made black coffee. I went in the direction of his cabin and stood outside his door for a while.

God.. why are you so nervous?? He is just a human for God sake!

Okay.. Let's do this.. I knocked his door and heard an annoying voice saying 'Enter..'
I went inside to find he is not at the desk but standing near the row of books arranged in a rack. I went to desk and placed his coffee on the desk and said "Your coffee, Sir."I turned toward the door and try to run for my life when I heard the depressing sound again..


I turned slowly and stood facing him.. "Yes, Sir..."

"I asked for coffee with milk and sugar. Not black. Do it again."

"Wha.. Sir if u want I can bring cream and sugar for..."

"No. I said do it again.. If I want to add ingredients I would have made my own coffee, Miss Emerson. I asked you to make coffee and you do it as I want.. Do it properly this time or I'll make it do it again. Understand?"

I stood staring at him.. woahhh.. what a king of jerks!!! Go to hell!

"Yes sir.."

I made coffee as the way I like and bought it to his cabin. I made sure not to stay there more than 20 seconds. I started counting once I enter his cabin.


I kept the coffee cup on his desk without looking at him "Your coffee, Sir," and rushed toward the door..

I got 12 seconds more.. Almost there..


I touched the doorknob when I heard the sound of my name, "Miss Emerson.."

Here we go again...

I turned my head and stood facing him. I prepared myself for what was to come and waited.. and he said something I least expected..

"Thank you..."

Woah!!! What just happened? Did he said thank you? To me? Maybe he is not a jerk after all!!! Or not always!

"Hmm.. welcome.. Sir.." I exited his cabin feeling awkward...


As I was preparing to leave, I heard someone entering my cabin.

"Hi, Ace... Ready to go?" My bestie asked me with a brightest smile.

"Yeah.. just going to leave" i said tiredly.

"Woah.. wait a minute, where is your birthday spirit, Gracey girl?"

"Hmmm.. i don't know, Lollipop. I am so tired that i just want to go home and crash in my bed. Even my eyes hurt from staring at the computer screen for so long.. That jerk fired Cailyn for "Incompetence and Insubordination" as he called it.. Damn! I have to do all her work too, Lollipop. It took me ages before i can even understand what is all that about. Also my work still pending.. That's why i missed our lunch plan.. I'm sorry, Lolli.. Can this day get any better?" I took a big breath and let it out slowly.

"Woah.. easy girl.. okay. Just let it go. We will talk about it tomorrow.. Try to bring that birthday spirit please.. I had so many things planned for today."

"Okay.. let's go.. I can't even stand a minute here. My back aches..." I exited while streching my arms a little.. So much for birthday surprises and parties...

The CEO room located on the way to the lift, so I have to pass the his room when i leave. Besides, i still have to tell him I'm done for the day. Surprisingly the door was opened before i knock on it.. And.. u guessed it right. The award winner for the best stone faced Jabberwocky was standing right infornt of me. Its like he was waiting for a prey or... me.. Huh??

There was a few awkward seconds where we were just staring at each other. I snapped out it and said "Sir, I have just finished my work and on my way home. Good day!"

I was already started walking without waiting for his reply. I knew in my gut that he want to stop me but I was striding fast towards the lift and pulling Loelle with me. Once we entered the lift, i let out the breath i never realised I was holding.. phewww.. That was easy..

I went back home and celebrate my birthday with my parents and friends. It's very simple. Just my parents, Lolli and my minion squad. They made me wear a yellow dress like Belle from 'Beauty and the Beast'. She is my favourite Disney Princess since I was a kid. But now i have grown up and lost interest in all those stories but apparently my friends and family haven't. My minions planned that for my birthday and blackmail me into wearing that dress or they will paint my hair yellow while I'm sleeping.

Everything else were amazing. The cake my parents made was a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and melted chocolate was poured on top. Don't be so shocked. It's a weird combo i know but that's the way i like it. I love melted chocolate almost on any dessert... Even visualising a dessert like that activate my taste buds. Yum!

After thanking everyone for coming, i bid my parents goodnight and went to my room. It was fun as usual but i was constantly thinking about him.

Was he angry that I get out of there without waiting for a reply? And why are you anxious? Are you scared? Of him? What is he going to do? The best thing he could do is sack you.. And you could always find another job right??.. Hmm.. yeah..

I still feel troubled after all those arguments in my mind..

That night i had a dream.. Well sort of started as a dream..

I was sleeping in a silky sexy light peach colour nighty.. smiling in my sleep. I felt the bed dipped and i felt someone's presence next to my sleeping form. I didn't open my eyes but still i know it's a man. I didn't panic because he seemed very familiar like he belong in my bed. He loomed over me and covered my body with his. I felt his breath at my ears. I unconsciously lifted my face and pouted my lips to be kissed by him who still tickling my ears by his breath. He caressed my hair, face, lips and his fingers slowly descended to my neck. I lifted my hands put them on his naughty hands. Then my hands were wondering around from his well toned biceps to his strong shoulders and body then his hair to stroke them.. My eyes were still closed and my body enjoying his attention and intimacy. Suddenly his hand grabbed my neck and started choking me. At one point I can't breathe because he was contricting my airway and not letting me to draw air.

I open my eyes with a gasp entering my mouth.. i can't remember what happed after that.. only when the dream ended i had tears in my eyes and got out of bed. I ran to the toilet and vomitted.. I'm not the kind to vomit easily but this is confusing.. It must be the food. Too much food must have upset my stomach.. It should be it or.. is it the dream?? I looked at my reflection in the mirror trying to see if there is any mark in my neck. Thankfully there is nothing. But it was too real to be a dream. I draw a lot of air in my lungs to belive that im actually breathing.

I can't remember anything else. I didn't see his face.. also its a dream, so it doesn't count.

I thought that to myself firmly and went back to sleep after brushing my teeth.

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