26 - ♥️ of my life

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Grace's Pov

You know when i was in collage, my friend Shannon shared a tiny portion about her love story, more specifically her first kiss. I remembered how she was yearning for her perfect first kiss which is a french kiss by the way which he deprived her of it for a long time. Then, her boyfriend who is now her ex brought her to the mall one day for shopping. She was keep pestering and making fun of him for being a prude and that finally brought him to the edge. He pulled her to the emergency exit staircase and kissed her. He kissed her good so good until she don't want to drink water for the next few days cause the kiss felt like small fish swimming in her mouth. At least she felt nauseous but after few times, she has gotten use to that. Can you imagine that?

Okay, back to my story. I was thinking about what she said and have imagined a thousand times how a french kiss will be like. I often dreamt about the way I will be kissed by my mysterious man who will bring me to this romantic dinner with flowers and lights. He will hold me close protectively and slowly look into my eyes and lips and gently probe my chin higher. Then bring his face closer until I'll feel shy and close eyes and then I'll feel his lips warm and gentle and passionate nudging my lips to path and then he will claim my lips and tongue slowly but sweetly... And his hands will pull me even closer then..... So I imagined..

But what I got was this! This jerk of a man pulling me suddenly and kissing me roughly. I feel like a seahorse from pacific ocean is dancing vigorously in my mouth. This is not a kiss. This is a punishment, a revenge, a way to dominate... This is bad.. and the worst part is, all i could taste with his kiss is salt and bitter coffee... And he is suffocating me. I tried to push him but he didn't budge, so i pulled his hair real hard and then he let go of me. I tried to slap him, i really did but the jerk is so tall and he just got out of reach. And just smiled sardonically. So i grabbed him by shirt collar.

"How dare you! You bastard. How dare you ruin my first kiss you jerk!" I started screaming.

His face showed suprise at my words.

"Wait what! First kiss? You mean you have never been.."

I didn't let him finish and continued screaming.

"You jerk!!!!" I started bouncing while grabbing his shirt making him shake a little.
Then he abruptly closed my mouth with his hands. I tried to bite his hands but he shooed me.

"Someone at the door." He whispered and let go of me as we heard a knock.

Without a second thought he went to open the door. I wasn't even made myself more decent and he opened the damn door. He opened the door without a care for how we looked. How a CEO can be such a fool!

And there stand the last person i ever wished to see...

Make a wild guess!

It's Louella. She openly gaped at us and after a while her eyes turned from shock to accusing. Her eyes keep moving back and forth between us and she made the connections. She left without a word. What else should i expect? For her to make a scene? No, thats not Lou. She will make me pay later but not with an audience. For now i can guess she will think about all the possible way to kill me and to make me kill myself.

Isn't it obvious? His hair was a mess, his shirt button torn and creased. My hair was a mess too. Both out clothes have coffee droplets. And we both panting. Well, when you caught 2 people in this situation what will you think? They could be fighting right. Not all man and woman want to make out! Yeah that's right we were fighting like Mr and Mrs Smith.

That was the argument i was preparing for Lou later but then i turned and looked at him. Shit! His lips! Its covered in coffee but the stupid new lip gloss i bought yesterday is still very visible. From the tenderness i bet my lips are swollen. My lips are pretty thin but i guess Louella will see the truth for sure. Can't argue about that. Can I just say the fight got so out of control that we tried to bite each others throat out but missed and bite our lips instead... Hmmm... Still lousy.. Unless if i want her to throw me over the bridge i better tell her the truth.

I tried to follow her but he held me by my hand. I glared at him. This is all his fault. If hadn't try some stupid stunt with Thanya, non of these would happened. His eyes were soft while looking back at me.

"Go clean up first. Your friend is not going anywhere. And wash your mouth with clean water. I know my lips were tasty but still very salty."

That did it. I shook off his hand and punched his stomach without thinking. Not a very powerful one but still hard enough to make him bent over a little and sighed heavily. Then i ran without looking back.


Mr. J's Pov

My God! What a mess! What was thinking kissing her like that... We are not even a couple yet and I'm her damn employer. This is harassment. I hope she is satisfied with a punch. I'm in no mood to deal with police for sexual abuse right now. Thank Goodness it was her friend who caught us together, what if Miss Potts seen us or worst Ben saw us. He will never let me survive that. What was I thinking, my behaviour is inexcusable. Clearly, she was not that angry about the kiss but more about the way i did it. I can't help it. The thought came to me out of sudden and i did that. Not so bad right. I mean deep inside we both know we are going to end up together so what is wrong with kissing, touching and etc once in while right. Hmmm... No it's wrong. It's very wrong that didn't give her the choice and kissing should be about sharing love not anger. I should apologise. I guess I'm going to have to get use to say sorry to her as I'm keep doing mistakes where she is consent.

I went to cabin first to get change. I opened the door and saw Ben sitting on the chair waiting for me. Shit, Think if the devil..

His eyeballs almost pop out of his eye sockets.

"Bro, what..!"

"Not another word! I'm going to get changed." I went into my room and get changed.

...2 hours later...

"So are you going explain yourself or pretend the whole incident didn't happen."

Shit! I know Ben is not going to let me off the hook that easily. We were discussing some serius business for at least 2 hours now. I tried to prolong the discussion a bit more but he is not going to sway. Hmmm.. what's the point? It's better to tell him the truth. Where do I start...

"So who is it?" Ben giving me smirk.

Shit, here it goes... I cleared my throat a bit.

"Ehemmm... It's Grace..." i murmured.

"Damn! I knew it. From the first day i met her you have been acting weird. But what the hell man.. fucking secretary in the office, thats over even for you!"

Instantly I got tensed.

"Lower your voice, people can hear you and if my secretary hears it she is going to throw a fit." I growled.

"Secretary? Tell me was she ever your secretary? You think people around here didn't realize how you two talking to each other. What happened to you? You never behave this way with anyone else."

"Exactly. I have never behaved like this with anyone else and never will, especially not with an employee. Look, we weren't doing anything extreme okay. It's started as a game then jealousy and anger took over. I lost control. I kissed her which is what I wanted to do from the moment we met."

Ben just blinked his eyes at me in astonishment.

"I'm the boss here and I set the rules here. I know my limit. I don't mix personal and professional life but how do I know that my woman will be my secretary? And I don't care what others think. But as my best friend please don't judge her too badly. She is not the type to jump into any man's bed. Her first reaction to my kiss was to slap me, then to scream at me for ruining her first kiss, then she punched me in the stomach and ran. I hurt her. She was right I was a jerk. I don't know how to apologise..."

Ben is still blinking at me. Then, he slowly grinned.

"Congratulations brother, you have finally found the love of your life..."

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