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Just in time when Hyun and her members leave my driver came.

"Good afternoon Ma'am Lisa." He greeted and I greet him back.

He opened the door for me before he went to the driver's seat.

"Ms. Lisa, I hope you don't mind. How did you learn how to drive? I thought only Ms. Jennie knows how to drive." He said.

"I secretly enrolled you know YGE doesn't want us to drive but I really want it soooo..." I said and he laughed.

"I thought you're the kind of person who follow the rules wholeheartedly." He said.

"At first I am but I don't know where did it start just when the time I realized that I am playing safe of everything, I changed my mind I wanted to take risk. I don't wanna live with what ifs" I said.

"I totally understand you, I was really amazed when I saw the news. They contacted me asking if I am with you and I said I'm not so I think they conclude this too." He said.

They really panicked huh?

"How I wish I can drive my own car." I said.

"I wanted to support you Ms. Lisa but sorry I refused." he said and it made me loom at him confused. "Of course, I will lost my job if you drive on your own."

And it made us laugh.

"Oh! I see. Hahaha! Okay, I won't demand again." I said.

"Ms. Lisa, I am working for you even that YGE handle us, my loyalty is on you. I just want to let you know." He said.

"I'll take note of that. I'll contact you if ever I had a date. Hahaha!" I said.

"I will gladly accept it and I will arrive on time." He said.

When we reached the company he helped me to get out of the car and I bid my good bye to him and I suddenly remember he will wait for me. So, I mentally face-palm my self.

I get inside the company and I saw my manager waiting for me at the lobby.

"Lisa" He called me.

"What's with the meeting?" I asked.

"I only know about the your sudden vacation. They're really mad about it." He said.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, let's go." I said.

When we reached the meeting room, it's only me, my manager and the ceo.

"Take a seat" She said as she gestured the chair.

"So Lisa, what comes to your mind that you and red velvet members take a vacation without any managers and bodyguards around you?" She asked, I know she's looking calm but at the same time I am also aware that she's mad.

"We just wanted to feel like we're normal peope who can have fun without managers and bodyguards following us. Besides I rented the whole beach so we don't have interaction with other people except for the employees." I explained to her.

"It's still too risky, I even heard that you and Irene Bae went to the mall to watch some movie. It's a public place! Do you really want something bad might happen to you?!" She asked and now she's showing that she's really mad.

"Since when you cared for your artist? The last time I checked you never did something to protect us? You just let the issue passed?" I sarcastically said. "And just to let you know, I am also aware how you blackmailed Jennie, the three of us are aware. So don't you do it again, or else."

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