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I tapped my nails on the wooden table in a rhythmic pattern loving the scraping sounds it produced. I looked around the tiny concrete room we were that had nothing but the table infront of me and the two metal chairs on either side. There were no windows and the only source of light was the extremely bright orange bulb hanging from the ceiling.

"You're getting out in a week Savannah. How are you feeling?"The in house therapist, Hattie asked me.

I looked at her and smiled adjusting myself better on the seat. Hattie was a psychology student who thought that of all places to attend her internship, a women's correctional facility was the best option. We were the same age, twenty four but while I was a 5'8 black woman with short hair and dull brown eyes Hattie was the exact opposite. She was a 5'3 blonde with blue eyes and a bubbly personality. When she'd started working at the facility two months back, I thought she was just another blonde bimbo who took psychology to sound cool. Then we got to know each other over our weekly sessions and I realized she was actually cool and genuinely wanted to help.

"Honestly doc I'm scared."I admitted rubbing my rough hands over my face.

"I know you are, you grew up behind these walls in a tiny cell but now you have a chance to go out there and be your own person. You've served your sentence and now it's time for you to be free and live your life. I believe that you'll do great."Hattie encouraged.

"At least one of us thinks so."I scoffed.

I'd been in prison ever since I was fourteen years old so telling me that I would do great outside the walls that had been my home for a decade sounded like bullshit to me. It's not that I didn't want to be released, I honestly wanted to see more than the two trees planted in the yard, I wanted to take more than a five minute long shower and more than anything I wanted to sleep peacefully knowing I was completely safe and wouldn't get shanked in the night.

"You have been a model inmate the last ten years, you attend therapy, worked in and out of the prison and you took all your classes and actually managed to graduate with a college degree."Hattie praised.

"You know I did all that to keep myself busy otherwise I'd have gone crazy and hanged myself in the first year."I replied with a shrug.

An inmate with a college degree meant nothing in the outside world. I'd watched enough movies, read magazines and books to know what awaited me out there. The more I read, the more scared I got.

"Is fear what made you reject parole all those times?"Hattie asked me.

I'd been eligible for parole ever since I turned nineteen but I stayed in until I served my full sentence.

"I didn't want to be out on parole making weekly reports to an officer. If I leave this place, I want to leave it for good with no attachments to it."I gritted out.

"I completely understand Savannah, don't get worked up. I'm happy to see you finally go free but I'll miss my favorite inmate."She confessed with a smile adjusting her glasses.

"Awe, I'll miss you too doc."I replied with a wink making her blush.

It was no secret that the little doctor had a thing for me but I'd had my fair share of women over the years and sadly enough she didn't do it for me. I knew I wasn't gay, not that there was anything wrong with that, but as a horny teenager growing up in a women's prison my options were limited to my gender unless you counted the guards and I wasn't about to let any of those filthy men touch me. Maybe I'd get to explore when I got out and feel what being with a man felt like, was it as good as being with a woman,better or worse.

"Okay so anything else you want to tell me? Our session is almost over."Hattie asked me.

"Not really doc but I do want to say thank you for being yourself and coming here. You've been a needed ray of sunshine these past few months."I complimented.

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