Chapter Four

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I watched Savannah walk away from me feeling utterly confused at what had just happened in the last half hour. I marched back into the house and found Josephine whistling to herself as she diced some carrots.

"Before you say anything young man, I want to remind you that I raised you and I can still whoop you ass. So gather yourself and watch your words."Josephine said without even looking up.

I loved the woman like my own mother but she drove me mad half the time. She also knew me too well because I was about to rip her a new one so I took my time calming down first.

I sat down and drunk my lemonade trying to find a way to broach the whole situation carefully without offending Josephine.

"Why her?"I asked starting off gently.

"She's different."Josephine replied without missing a beat.

Of course Savannah was different, anyone could see that from a mile away. She was tall, taller than the average woman, with a flawless ebony skin tone and beautiful brown eyes. It didn't help matters that she was gorgeous too but not in the usual way. She had defined features and one would even describe her as handsome yet beautiful at the same time. I would be lying if I said that I was not attracted to her because by God I was. It had been ages since I was with a woman which made it worse. I didn't want my penis making my decisions for me in regards to my children.

"I could see that but why her."I insisted.

"You know I immediately recognized her once I saw her outside the store. Clara wouldn't shut up about her after their interaction the other day. Children have the purest hearts and are the best judge of character. I talked to her on the drive over and confirmed everything that Clara said. She's exactly what this family needs. Trust me on this Barney, when have I ever led you wrong?"Josephine asked.

"Never."I sighed knowing I didn't have much of a choice in this.

"Good then have some faith in me and in her. She had lots to learn but it will be worth it in the end. And besides she might be just what you need."Josephine said with a teasing grin.

"What?!"I choked out not liking her emphasis.

"I'm not blind, I saw the way you were looking at her. She is very beautiful and strong too unlike the cowgirls you and the farmhands are always chasing after."Josephine scoffed.

"You know I don't do that. Between the kids and the farm I don't have time."I replied.

"I'm aware, I was just messing with you thus why Savannah is perfect. You won't have to search far for a good woman, she will be right under your nose sleeping in your house."Josephine insisted with a chuckle.

"Don't remind me, I'm going to muck the horses, call me when lunch is done."I grunted finishing my lemonade.

I picked up my stetson and left walking to the stables. I found Austin and Travis, two of my farmhands arguing.

"What's got you boys riled up?"I asked them.

"This douche doesn't believe me when I tell him about the woman that was here earlier."Travis replied.

I wondered how he knew about Savannah then I recalled calling him to get Forest, my horse earlier.

"What about her?"I asked.

"So she was real, I thought he was daydreaming again."Austin laughed.

"You're a pig."Travis scoffed.

"So who was she boss?"Austin asked me ignoring Travis.

"She's replacing Josephine."I answered.

I didn't owe them an explanation but they would be seeing her a lot as she would be living and working at the house.

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