Chapter Eighteen

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I sang along to the song on the radio feeling extremely happy. I was officially hired as the nanny and housekeeper to the Lancaster family. That's not a title I thought would bring me immense joy but the floating on clouds feeling I had was proving otherwise. Hearing the kids defend me in the morning and give reasons why I should stay made me very happy. I loved all five mini Lancaster's and taking care of them had become more than a job to me. I knew there was still more to do to earn their love but I was willing to work for it. I was now officially employed and that gave me a feeling of accomplishment that I was still trying to wrap my head around.

"You have a beautiful voice "Nathan's deep southern drawl commented surprising me.

I turned to him startled since I had no idea he had been watching me. How long had he stood there before making his presence known?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."He apologized.

My heart rate slowed now and I could finally acknowledge his presence.

"It's okay and thanks, I got it from my mom. She had an angelic voice."I replied recalling the numerous times my mom used to sing for me.

She really had been blessed in a lot of things and her voice had been one of them.

"Then you're just as blessed as she was."Nathan responded.

"Thanks."I muttered quietly still not used to the compliments.

I was about to ask Nathan if I could help him with anything when he spoke first.

"This is for you."He said holding out an envelope towards me.

"What is it?"I asked confused.

"Open it and see."He answered.

I looked at him skeptically wondering what he could be giving me. I dried my hands on a kitchen towel and stepped closer to him taking the envelope from his hands.

I opened it and peeped inside to see a cheque in there. I relaxed and pulled it out my eyes skimming over the words and amount written on it. My eyes watered when I realized what I was holding in my hands.

"What's wrong?"Nathan asked his voice skeptical.

He probably thought I was overreacting crying over a simple paycheck. But I was happy, extremely happy and nothing could take that feeling away.

"Nothing, these are happy tears, this is my first ever paycheck ."I explained wiping my tears but only more fell in their place.

I didn't mean to cry but it was a very huge moment for me. Sure I'd been paid for work before but this was my first paycheck out of prison from my steady job. It was proof that I had made a life for myself outside prison and could survive on my own.

"Oh well you deserve it."Nathan replied his voice relaxing.

I looked up at the man who had made it all possible for me, who gave me a chance when nobody else would and I was overwhelmed by a feeling of gratitude towards him. Before I could stop myself I bridged the distance between Nathan and I and wrapping my arms around his shoulders in a hug.

"Thank you."I whispered feeling extremely grateful.

I felt his body tense as he debated with himself whether to hug me back or not. I half expected him to push me away but he surprised me by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

It was inappropriate for me to be hugging my boss like that but I found myself soaking up in his embrace loving the feeling of his burly arms around me. He smelled like pure male, raw and oh so addictive. I wanted more, I crazed for more but I had no right thinking such things about my boss. Before I could beg him to take me right there on the kitchen floor I pulled back every fibre of my being fighting against that action.

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