Chapter Thirty Three

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"Will you stop moving!"Freya scolded tugging at my curls making me cry out in pain.

"I will if you stop hurting me."I demanded.

"You're in pain because you keep moving around."She retorted.

We were getting nowhere so I forced myself to sit still and bit my lip braving through the pain.

"Good just like that, we'll be done in a few minutes."Freya grinned earning an unimpressed look from me.

I had no idea why I was making my white best friend with pin straight hair mess around with my curly kinky hair all in the name of getting stylish. I knew she had no idea what she was doing but still I sat patiently waiting for her masterpiece. If she ruined it, I would just pin it all back and hope for the best.

I looked at my freshly painted nails and smiled at how pretty they looked. The reason I was all prim and proper is because the night of the dance was finally upon us and I had two handsome boys to accompany. I was a nervous wreck since I'd never been to a high school dance before but I was hopeful of a fun night ahead.

"What should I expect of the evening?"I asked Freya.

"I'd say lots of groping, under age drinking and a poor attempt at sex at the back of your date's truck but that doesn't apply to you. You will have a good time because your dates are decent human beings and you're dating their father. You also look gorgeous so they will be parading you around like a trophy so get ready for the attention."Freya replied.

She was not making me feel any better. I was already scared to be going to a dance with kids ten years younger than me then she had to go ahead and throw that in my face.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."I mumbled trying to get up.

"Oh no missy, you're not going anywhere."Freya demanded pulling my shoulders back.

"The boys went above and beyond to make sure that you have fun tonight. You don't have any good highschool memories and this is their way of making it up to you because you do so much for them. So you Gracie are going to that dance with those two boys and you are going to have a good time. Do you understand me?"My tiny best friend demanded.

"Yes ma'am."I nodded feeling a little bit afraid of her.

She was so tiny yet so bossy but she was also right. The boys were doing an incredible thing for me so I would overcome my fear and accompany them to the dance. We would have a good time together.

Freya smiled at me and proceeded to finish up with my hair. I had refused to apply any make up since that wasn't my thing at all so the only thing on my face was moisturizer and chapstick.

"All done."Freya declared stepping back.

I turned to see my reflection on the mirror and I was not disappointed. All the pain had been worth it. Freya had braided a section of my hair and pinned the rest to fall over one side of my face. She had added a couple of cute pins courtesy of Ivy's christmas gift to me.

"So do you like it?"Freya asked skeptically.

I got up from the chair and pulled her in for a hug.

"I love it, thank you."I replied.

"You're welcome."She beamed looking proud of herself.

I adjusted my dress and twirled infront of the mirror making it float around me. The upper bodice hugged my torso perfectly making my cleavage pop but not in an inappropriate way. I looked beautiful, like a bed of orange roses. The dress swept the floor hiding my feet which to Freya was a good thing since I'd refused to wear heels and was in my black boots instead. Nobody could see them anyway. Luke and I were the same height but Daniel was an inch shorter than me. If I wore heels I would be taller than them and we already had enough making us stand out.

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