Chapter Twenty Four

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"Do you have everything you need?"Nathan asked opening the truck door for Clara so she could get out.

"Yes papa."She nodded enthusiastically with the biggest grin on her face.

"Okay munchkin, come give papa a hug."Nathan requested opening his arms up for a hug as he crouched over to her height.

Clara was only too happy to oblige and stepped into his arms wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Nathan picked her up hugging her tight rocking on his feet with her in his arms.

"Be good for Savannah and your teacher okay."Nathan demanded.

"I'm always good papa."Clara grinned.

"Sure kid, then be extra good today."Nathan insisted.

"Okay I will. I love you papa."She nodded.

"I love you more baby girl."Nathan replied.

I always liked watching Nathan's interaction with his kids. He was always so loving and gentle towards them especially Clara who had him wrapped around her little fingers.

He kissed her cheek, hugged her one more time before setting her down on her feet. Clara ran towards to line the kids were making to get into the bus, her pig tails swinging on the wind.

"Can I get a hug too?"I teased looking at Nathan with a smile.

"You have no idea what you're asking for woman. Have a good day and take care of yourselves."He grunted looking pained.

"We will, see you later cowboy."I replied subtly winking at him.

I would have loved to throw myself into his arms and kiss him but we were in public and Clara could see us. Instead I forced myself to walk away knowing that in time we would have all the time in the world to take part in as much PDA as we wanted.

Nathan put his aviators back on and got into the truck while I walked up to Miss Susan.

"Miss Watson."She greeted politely.

"Call me Savannah, please."I requested her.

"Savannah, thank you for joining us. Some of the mom's were hoping it would be Nathan coming but honestly I'm glad it's you."She admitted whispering that last part.

I chuckled but deep down I was not happy. Nathan was one gorgeous man and it was no secret that half the moms and most of the single women on Woodcreek saw what I saw. I knew I didn't have a reason to be jealous since he only had eyes for me but I couldn't help it. There was a reason he was dating me and not one of the women he had known his whole life. I needed to put my jealousy aside and bask in his attention.

"Too bad for them."I commented with a shrug.

"But good for me, I've seen how good you are with Clara and her siblings and can use all the help I can get keeping these kids in check today."She requested.

"That's why I'm here."I nodded.

"Good. You can start by making sure that those who are in the bus all have their seatbelts on."She directed.

I nodded and got into the bus to do exactly as she had said. Clara was seated close to the back and when I got to her the seat next to her was empty with her backpack on top of it.

"Saving that for someone?"I asked.

"Yes you."She smiled.

"Don't you think the other kids will feel bad if we sit together and they have no one to sit with."I asked her.

"I don't care."Clara grumbled.

"That not nice Clara."I scolded.

"I know but what's wrong with wanting to sit with you."Clara challenged.

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