Chapter Five

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Like clockwork from all those years of non stop crack of dawn morning counts I was awake by five am. I had already parked all my stuff the night before so I took a shower and changed into one of my new outfits, blue jeans, a black tank top, a flannel shirt and some cowboy boots. I didn't buy many clothes, just enough to last me a month until I got my first pay cheque. I didn't even know how much I would get paid. I guess all that would be discussed within the day. I grabbed my rucksack which had fit everything I owned including my new clothes and left the motel room I'd been staying in for a week. I checked out at reception and began the trek towards Lancaster ranch. It was early in the morning so I was privileged enough to catch the sun rise over the hills. It was so beautiful and perfect, another reminder that I was free.

I arrived at the ranch at half past six and I got there too early because the whole ranch was still fast asleep. Maybe I should have waited until later to show up obut Josephine had told me to be there bright and early. I thought about knocking but I didn't want to wake them up either, that would be rude.

I was considering my options when the front door opened and Nathan walked out with a steaming mug in his hand. He looked handsome in his usual ruggedy cowboy style and thoughts I definitely shouldn't have about my boss invaded my mind.

"Good morning sir."I greeted politely.

He jumped in surprise because he hadn't seen me standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Jesus Christ Savannah, don't scare me like that."He scolded wiping some coffee that had spilt on his hand from the jump.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."I apologized feeling guilty.

He looked at me and the angry look on his face dissipated quickly.

"Why are you here so early? Did you sleep coming here?"He asked.

"No I just arrived. Josephine asked me to be here bright and early."I informed him.

"She didn't mean literally."He retorted.

"I'm sorry, I'm used to following orders sir."I explained.

"Please don't call me sir, it's Nathan or Nate or Barnes."He requested.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't do that. It's been ingrained in me that anyone in authority should be addressed with respect."I expressed.

I was just trying to show him some respect so I didn't seen anything wrong with me calling him sir.

"We'll have to work on that then. Quick question, are you the one who put the fertilizer outside the barn yesterday?"He asked.

"Yes, Josephine asked me to. Did I put it in the wrong place?"I replied.

"No, it's just that those sacks are heavy."He said looking impressed.

They were but I was already used to much harder manual labor in prison.

"I'm stronger than I look."I answered.

"I don't doubt that."He mumbled giving me a once over.

I had no idea what to think of the look he was giving me so I just brushed it off.

"Josie is in the kitchen making breakfast, join her there and she'll tell you what to do."Nathan instructed after a minute of awkward silence.

I nodded at him and without another word I skipped up the stairs and let myself into the house. The living room was beautiful, with wooden floors, a TV mounted over the fire place, a chandelier in the middle of the room, two massive couches facing each other and two brown leather barcaloungers side by side facing the TV.

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