Chapter Fourteen

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Whenever I was stressed I liked going horse riding to clear my head. It usually helped that's why I was saddling Forest up for a ride. It was early in the morning, Savannah had already taken the kids to school and the workers were already up and about going on about their responsibilities. I had work to do too but I was too distracted to amount to anything good.

After I was done I adjusted my prosthetic and hopped onto Forest beginning on a small trot at first before gaining speed. It felt good to have the wind on my face, hearing Forest's hooves beating against the ground, the rush of the river that ran across the ranch accompanied by all sounds from the farm animals.

I loved my life at the ranch, I was never much of a city boy that's why I wasn't surprised when Donna dumped me before she moved to DC. I was hurt yes but I also knew she was right, I would not have fit into the rushed life that came with the city. Sure I'd fought my brother about not wanting to inherit the ranch with him but deep down I'd known that in the end that's where I'd end up. I had wanted to live my life first and I had done that by going to college and working at the oil rig, it just ended sooner that I would have liked.

Now Donna was back and I was supposed to go on a date with her in a few hours. It felt wrong, it was wrong but I was a man of my word and I would go. I didn't want to but I would go.

Donna had been back in my life a few days and she was already starting to mess it up starting with my prospective love, Savannah. Ever since her run in with Donna the previous day she wasn't talking to me. We were back to square one even after I'd worked so hard to mend our relationship on Sunday.

Why was she mad at me though? Did it mean that she had feelings for me? Was she actually jealous? That thought made me happier than I should have been considering it wasn't even confirmed. I wanted Savannah to be jealous because then it meant that she had feelings for me. I needed to get over my fear of rejection and ask her out but I needed to get rid of Donna first.

I decided to stop by the river to allow forest have a drink and a much needed break. I rested under a tree while Forest grazed close by and that's how Raul found me, completely lost in thought.

"I know that look."He chuckled dropping himself next to me.

"Go away."I mumbled pissed off that he was ruining my alone time.

"I could but I don't want to."He grinned at me.

I resisted the urge to punch that look off his face since that would only prove him right.

"You still haven't asked Savannah out and now there's this new woman in your life."Raul said completely ignoring the part where I asked him to shut up.

"She's not new."I scoffed.

"Yeah, your old flame. I hear you are going on a date with her this afternoon."He teased.

I jerked my head towards him so fast I got a whiplash.

"How do you know that?"I asked him.

"News travel fast in Woodcreek. I also know that Savannah has a date with Logan this Friday."Raul informed me.

"What?! Logan who?"I gritted out.

"Wilbur, Freya's brother. They met yesterday at the store and he wouldn't stop bragging about scoring a date with the hot Lancaster nanny at the pub yesterday."Raul explained.

Everything that was coming out of his mouth was making me angry. Savannah had a date? And with Logan of all people? That man had slept with half the women in Woodcreek and now he wanted to taint Savannah with his dirty claws. My Savannah? Not on my watch.

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