Chapter Twenty Nine

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"So pops, I think I'm speaking for everyone when I ask, when are you gonna propose to Savannah?"Luke asked.

His question took me by surprise as I didn't expect such a question to come from my own son.

"You're gonna propose?"Ivy exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, I saw him shopping for rings."Raul chuckled.

"Dude that was confidential."I gritted out.

"Sorry but it's not really a secret. Everyone can see how smitten you two are. Next step is marriage then you start popping out more Lancasters."Raul grinned.

"I want a baby sister. No offense but Clara is growing out of her adorable phase."Daniel exclaimed.

"I want a baby brother."Ivy declared.

They were having a whole conversation about Savannah and I as if I wasn't seated right there.

"Okay everyone calm down. First of all nobody is getting married and there are no baby sisters or baby brothers coming."I announced making everyone groan in disappointment.

"Don't give me those looks. Savannah has only been in our lives for a couple of months. Things have moved on pretty fast between us and even though we love each other, our relationship needs time to grow before we take the next step. Yes I was looking at rings because marriage is in the cards for us but not anytime soon. It will happen, just not now."I reassured everyone.

They didn't like my response but it was my life and there's nothing much they could do about it. It was good to see that everyone loved Savannah and wished for us to get married but our relationship was moving too fast. I was not complaining but I wanted to give us time to grow together first before we crossed to marital status. I wanted Savannah to become my wife but I didn't want to rush into it.

"Be careful pops, if you don't marry her, I will. Either way she becomes a Lancaster."Luke teased making everyone laugh.

"Think you're funny don't you."I retorted pulling him into a headlock as I ruffled up his hair.

Luke hated it when anyone messed with his hair but I needed to shut him up on the whole Savannah issue and the best way to do that was ruining his perfect looks.

He was saved by the ringing of my phone so I let him go.

"Pooops."He groaned trying to fix his hair.

I grinned at him as I retrieved my phone from my pocket to see that it was Ethan calling me.

"Hey buddy, you guys on your way back yet?"I asked immediately I picked up.

"Papa."My boys' panicked voice cried from the other side of the call.

I immediately sat up alert my ears perking up.

"Calm down bud, what's wrong?"I asked when I heard Clara whimpering next to him.

Every worst case scenario ran through my mind in that moment and the worst one is that they had been in an accident and that they were all badly hurt. Everyone looked at me worriedly after noticing the change in my voice.

"There's a bad man with a gun. Savannah asked me to call you."Ethan choked out in tears.

At the mention of a gun, I jumped to my feet my fatherly instincts kicking in.

"Everyone get your guns now."I demanded looking at my workers and they all jumped into action. "You three in the house."I bellowed towards the kids and rushed into the house without another explanation.

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