chapter 5 - do i have to?

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It's been a couple weeks since the first day of school. Danni has came every Sunday but would leave when I came down.

I talked to my nan and she told me that danni is scared of the twins. Well more creeped out everytime they see her they stare and try to hug her.

I'm getting ready for school when theres a knock at the door.

I go down stairs to see danni holding annie in her arms.

"Thank you so much linda for looking after her while I'm at school. I didnt know what to do, mum and dad had already left for work " she says smiling at my nan.

My nan just nodded and took the little girl in her arms.

"Its no problem dear I remember when you were her size and I would pick you up from school and you would get so excited."

Danni giggles and it makes my heart leap. She's so different than she is at school.

"I really have to go I'll be back after school. Thank you again lin" danni kisses Annie's forehead then my nans cheek before running to a car with a couple guys in.

I walk over to my nan and ki her on the cheek.

"I'll see you later nan." I then smile at the small girl she looks so pale but he cheeks and tip of her nose is red.

I start the short walk to school. Today's Wednesday  I only have a couple classes and a free period.

I have double math
Then break
Then bio
Free period
Then my last class is double history.

As I walk into the school i see Aimee and Kate.

I walk over to the and lean on Kate. "When will this week be done I just wanna sleep all day long!"  I say to them as I pout.

"Aww cheer up your favourite person to stare at is in our last class!" Aimee says causing her and Kate to giggle I just glare at them before jumping on Kate's back.

"You guys are mean so you have to carry me to math class"

They both giggle and start to walk off with me on Kate's back.

------in history---

I sit in  the middle with Aimee, when the teacher starts to speak.

" today your going to do some worksheets for the first period and the second your going to start a project with a partner that I pair you with." Every one groans at what she said.

After the first period she starts to pair people up I just zone out but I'm pulled  back to what she's saying when I hear my name.

"Lastly Jessica and danielle" I just look at Aimee and she laughs at my face.

But suddenly theres a noise at the back of class.

"Mrs why do I have to be paired with her cant I just do it with a friend!"

"No danielle you will do it with jessica if you like it or not and you will help."

Danni just sighs. "Fine, but I'm going home now she can find me." She says as  she grabs her bag and walks out but she quickly turns around.

"And Ben's coming he is my ride." The class laugh as she walks out with her middle finger up.

After a while the bell goes and I start to walk home. Good thing she lives across the road or this project would never get done.
As I walk home I see danni walking out her house and towards mine.

She must be going to get annie.
But she stops suddenly when she sees a car coming. When it pulls up she leans in through the window.

I hear apart of her conversation.
"Yes mum I'll ask linda....... I love you too tell dad I love him." She then walks over to my house and knocks on the door.

I quickly walk over and just let her in.

She looks at me and just nods her head as a thank you before walking to the living room I follow her wanting to know what she needs to ask my nan and talk about the project.

"Hey lin thanks for looking after annie also my mum was wondering  if you could....."


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